Bob Hennelly


Bob Hennelly appears in the following:

Bloomberg Expresses Doubts about Bailout

Friday, September 19, 2008

As the federal government prepares to absorb billions of dollars in bad debt, New York City's billionaire Mayor says he's not sure if the bailout plan will work.

REPORTER: Mayor Bloomberg says the jury is out on the prudence of the government absorbing a half-trillion dollars ...


Juvenile Initiative Measured in Growing Report

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The annual management report from the mayor's office is out. It details how the city's doing in areas including education, crime fighting, and construction safety. WNYC's Bob Hennelly takes a look at a new program targeting offenders entering the juvenile justice system.

REPORTER: Overall, the volume ...


Report Shows City Making Progress on Several Fronts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It was Mayor Koch who used to ask rhetorically "how am I doing?"

Thanks to the annual Mayor's Management Report it's possible to provide a pretty detailed answer.

WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more from City Hall.

This year's report indicates the city is making progress on many fronts, ...


Lehman Collapse Ripples in New Jersey

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Just a few months ago New Jersey public pension managers bought $120 million in the now bankrupt Wall Street investment bank Lehman Brothers. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

REPORTER: A spokesman for New Jersey Treasurer David Rousseau confirms the $120 million ill-fated Lehman stock purchase back ...


Port Authority Approves Freedom Tower Contracts

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Despite the current global financial turmoil, the Port Authority's Board of Commissioners went ahead today and approved several key contracts for the construction of the Freedom Tower.

WNYC's Bob Hennelly was there and has this report.

Fully 95 percent of the contracts needed to complete the $3 ...


Health Officials Still Struggling for 9/11 Research Funding

Sunday, September 14, 2008

As another 9/11 anniversary passes, public health officials are still struggling to get funding to research long-term health impacts. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.

REPORTER: Even seven years after the attacks, Dr. Joan Reibman with Bellevue's World Trade Center Environmental Health Project says there are more questions ...


Fiterman Hall Fate Remains in Limbo

Friday, September 12, 2008

More than seven years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the fate of a 15-story City University building that was heavily damaged is still in limbo. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

Catherine McVeigh Hughes, with Community Board 1, is alarmed at the lack of progress in ...


New Jersey Looks Back on September 11th

Thursday, September 11, 2008

While New York City was truly Ground Zero for the September 11th attacks the impact radiated across the Hudson to New Jersey and throughout the metro region. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has this report on the view from New Jersey seven years later.

REPORTER: For many New ...


Koppell Seeks Change of Term Limit Law

Saturday, September 06, 2008

For weeks, there's been speculation about whether city lawmakers will repeal voter-approved term limits. Now, as WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports, one councilman is willing to handle the political hot potato.

REPORTER: Bronx Councilman Oliver Koppell, a former state Attorney General, says term limits are undemocratic. He ...


Councilman Drafts Bill to Extend Term Limits

Friday, September 05, 2008

After weeks of hypothetical discussions about repealing term limits, a New York City lawmaker is getting the ball rolling. Bronx councilman Oliver Koppell has asked lawyers to draft a bill that would extend the current two terms to three. He says, as it stands, the ...


Local Police Arrest RNC Protestors

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

After several thousand peaceful protesters marched from Minnesota's state capital to the site of the Republican National Convention, small gangs of young people went on a rampage.

The cat and mouse game between self-styled young anarchists and police first started as the massive peace march of ...


RNC/Hurricane Gustav Coverage: Hour 2

Monday, September 01, 2008

WNYC reporter Bob Hennelly talks about protests at the RNC. He's joined by Eileen Clancy, one of the founders of I-Witness Video, who talks about being raided in St. Paul.

WNYC's political director Andrea Bernstein with an update on the RNC's schedule.

More on ...

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RNC Protesters Face Raids from Police in Twin Cities

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Republican National Convention does not get underway until Monday, but police in St. Paul and Minneapolis were busy over the weekend raiding several homes allegedly linked to people the police said were going to disrupt the event. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more from St. ...


DNC Coverage: Hour 1

Friday, August 29, 2008

Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, Daily Kos blogger and author of Taking On the System: Rules for Radical Change in a Digital Era, and Susan Page, Washington bureau chief for USA Today, wrap up the week's events.

Brooke Gladstone, host of WNYC's On The Media, ...

Comments [149]

Newark Mayor Responds to Obama Speech

Friday, August 29, 2008

Metro area elected officials are reacting to last night's acceptance speech by Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. Newark Mayor Cory Booker was at Mile High Stadium last night. He says the importance of Obama's speech went beyond a single election.

BOOKER: This is not just about ...


DNC Coverage: Hour 2

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sheila Krumholz, Executive Director of the Center for Responsive Politics, follows the money with a look at the convention sponsors and the latest in campaign fundraising.

WNYC reporter, Bob Hennelly, previews tonight's speeches.

Nate Silver, founder of talks ...

Comments [53]

High Emotions at First Night of DNC

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

On the first night of their national convention, Democrats rallied for Sen. Edward Kennedy, and they were introduced to a softer side of Michelle Obama. WNYC’s Bob Hennelly was there and he joins us now.


Denver Spotlight Eludes N.J. Pols, For Now

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So far, no one from New Jersey is scheduled to address Democrats in Denver. But as WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports, Garden State delegates are making a push to get Sen. Robert Menendez to the podium.

Menendez boosters are making the case to DNC planners and ...


FBI Raids Office of N.J. Dem

Friday, August 22, 2008

An ongoing FBI criminal corruption probe has led to agents raiding the law offices of a top New Jersey Democrat. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.

The team of FBI agents executed a search warrant at the Lyndhurst law offices of top Bergen County Democrat Joseph Ferriero and ...


Convention Protests: Past and Future

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bob Hennelly, WNYC senior reporter, discusses the protesters who will be making their voice heard at the conventions in Denver and Minneapolis. Performance artist Lizzie West is organizing a peace revival and benefit event at the RNC.

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