Bob Hennelly


Bob Hennelly appears in the following:

Reforms In Store For Environmental Control Board

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

For years, food vendors and small business owners have complained about what they contend is the red tape at the city's Environmental Control Board. They have to go through the agency to settle outstanding city code violations. But as WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports, relief may ...


NYS Bill May Weaken NYC Plastic Bag Recycling

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A law requiring big stores and chains to recycle plastic bags is supposed to take effect today, but a bill pending in Albany could preempt the effort. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more on the battle of the bag bills.

REPORTER: Both Albany and the city agree ...


McCain Turns to Vets to Burnish War Credentials

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

As Sen. Barack Obama appears on TV screens shooting hoops with U.S. troops in Iraq, John McCain's campaign is trying to counter the Obama media blitz by enlisting millions of veterans.

WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more from Holmdel, N.J.

Veterans converged at the Garden State's Vietnam Veteran's ...


Merrill Lynch Posts 2Q Loss; Sells Bloomberg Stake

Friday, July 18, 2008

Merrill Lynch continues to get a thumbs down from investors, as the firm tries to manage the fallout after reporting its fourth consecutive quarterly loss. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

REPORTER: On a conference call after the market closed Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain said the ...


N.J. to Vote on Land-Use Plan

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Almost four years after it was created, a New Jersey land-use plan designed to protect the state's main watershed will get voted upon today by the New Jersey Highlands Commission. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has this update.

The commission is considering a plan that would prohibit development ...


Consumers Seek More Info on Banks

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

News coverage of depositors lining up outside California's IndyMac Savings and Loan is prompting consumers to take a closer look at their own banks. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.

REPORTER: So just what can a consumer learn about their bank? Every bank covered by the Federal Deposit ...


Stocks Rebound After Drop in Oil Prices

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A drop in oil prices helped U.S. stocks rebound today, including U.S. bank stocks, which had their best one-day gain ever.

But one day of positive market performance doesn't mean there aren't serious economic challenges ahead for the financial sector.

WNYC's Bob Hennelly has this report.

Economics professor, ...


No Charges in Killing for Road Rage Cop

Friday, July 11, 2008

A city police officer who last October shot and killed a fellow motorist will not face charges even though the officer did not report the incident for 19 hours. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

The grand jury took "no affirmative action" in the case of 35-year-old ...


Officials Vow Better WTC Site Info

Friday, July 11, 2008

The World Trade Center Memorial and Museum will not be ready by the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Instead a makeshift memorial will be in place. That's some of what Port Authority officials told Lower Manhattan residents at a community meeting last night. WNYC's ...


Clinton and Obama Speak Before Mostly Female Audience

Thursday, July 10, 2008

This morning in Midtown Manhattan more than 2,000 mostly female Democratic supporters gave Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama a rousing welcome. WNYC's Bob Hennelly was there.

REPORTER: Clinton urged the hometown audience to pull out all the stops in their effort to put Obama in ...


Obama, Clinton Raise Cash in City

Thursday, July 10, 2008

More than 2,000 Barack Obama campaign contributors jammed a ballroom at a Manhattan Hilton Hotel to hear their candidate, and his former rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton. They gave Clinton a standing ovation. The New York senator urged Democrats to unite behind Obama if they want ...


Bloomberg: Don't Blame Energy Speculators

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says it's a mistake to blame the global run up in energy prices on speculators. WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

REPORTER: While Congress looks to put the brakes on energy speculators, Mayor Bloomberg says the government should push to cut oil consumption while ...


Report: Complaints Against NYPD Unreciprocated

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The standoff between the Civilian Complaint Review Board and the NYPD over what constitutes police misconduct has new life. WNYC's Bob Hennelly reports.

REPORTER: Over the last four years the CCRB says fewer than 2O percent of the NYPD's officers accounted for 7O percent of the ...


Convention-al Thinking

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Bob Hennelly, WNYC senior reporter, and Chuck Samuelson, executive director of the ACLU of Minnesota, discuss the extent to which St. Paul and Denver are using New York in 2004 as a model for this summer's political conventions.

Comments [6]

New City Budget

Friday, June 27, 2008

WNYC reporter Bob Hennelly was up all night analyzing the details of the city budget. He lets us know what he discovered.

Comments [2]

Bloomberg: Budget Reflects Economic Reality

Friday, June 27, 2008

Last night there was little cheering when Mayor Michael Bloomberg and City Council Speaker Quinn announced they had reached a budget deal even though it restores cuts to education and contains property tax relief. WNYC's Bob Hennelly was there.

Before the ritual photo-op an army of ...


City Council, Mayor Reach Budget Deal

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Bloomberg Administration and the City Council have reached a $59 billion budget deal that holds the line on city spending while restoring $129 million in education cuts. It also gives property owners a seven percent property tax cut for a second year.

But a deteriorating ...


Taxpayers Take City Council To Court

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Under an 1873 law, citizens can ask state courts hold an inquiry into potential neglect of duty by public officials.

A group of taxpayers say such a probe is the only way to get to the bottom of how the City Council for years maintained phony ...


Budget Rift Widens Between Council, Mayor

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

With just a week to go before the city's budget deadline, frustrated council budget makers say they are at an impasse with Mayor Michael Bloomberg over what to do next year.

WNYC's Bob Hennelly has more.

The council budget-makers went home in protest today. Assistant Majority Leader ...


Bear Market

Monday, June 23, 2008

WNYC senior reporter Bob Hennelly talks about the latest in the Bear Stearns indictments, and the expatriation of American corporate wealth to offshore banks. He also discusses the increasing role of NJ Governor Corzine in Barack Obama's call to close the "Enron loophole".

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