Janna Levin appears in the following:
Friday, May 23, 2008
Studio 360 commissioned the author Lydia Millet to write a short story inspired by the LHC's "grand opening." What happens if the worst happens? Millet's acclaimed 2005 novel Oh Pure and Radiant Heart was about the physicists who created the atom bomb. Actor
Janna Levin
Friday, May 18, 2007
Janna Levin is a physicist who spends her days chasing down the mysteries of the universe, like chaos theory and black holes. Her book A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines combines the tricky worlds of mathematical theory and historical fiction. And it just won her the PEN/Robert ...
Janna Levin
Friday, September 22, 2006
Janna Levin spends her days chasing down the mysteries of the universe, like chaos theory and black holes. And to take a break from the awesome responsibility of mapping the universe, she makes stuff up -- not as a scientist, but as a novelist. Her first novel ...