Karen Bates appears in the following:
What Percent Minority Can You Claim?
Thursday, October 18, 2018
For centuries, white Americans distanced themselves from any non-white ancestry they might have. Now many are claiming it--some from pride, others to claim benefits designed for minorities. What percentage minority can they claim? It's complicated.
Native American Actors Walk Off Set of Adam Sandler Movie
Friday, April 24, 2015
A dozen Native American actors walked off the set of director Adam Sandler's The Ridiculous Six Wednesday claiming the native characters and culture in the film were mocked and degraded.
Pentagon Does About-Face On Hair Regulations — Black Women Approve
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
When the Army issued updated grooming rules this spring, many black military women were offended and dismayed. The natural hairstyles many of them favored had been declared illegal: Cornrows were okay, but only if they were no larger in diameter than 1/4 inch (about the size of the diameter of ...