Katherine Lanpher

Katherine Lanpher appears in the following:

Republicans push for changes in stimulus bill, then don't support it

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Senate Democrats advanced the $800 billion plus stimulus bill yesterday, but just three Republicans voted for the bill in a procedural vote, and no additional Republican support is ex...

Comments [2]

Best in show, worst for the dog

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This week, New York City hosts the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, a showcase for best of the best of each breed of dog. But how breeders create those perfect dogs is the subject of...


Call for transparency in spending of TARP funds

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Should banks be required to explain how they spend taxpayer dollars? That was the 700 billion dollar question the Bush administration struggled with last fall while constructing the T...


Iran celebrating a revolution that many don't remember

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today marks the 30th anniversary of a momentous event in history: the Iranian Revolution. Thirty years ago, Iran was a monarchy ruled by the U.S.-backed Shah. The revolution saw the o...


World Have Your Say on the Israeli election

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Israelis head to the polls today and the race is too close to call. The election is being very closely watched as the outcome will undeniably influence the prospects for peace in the ...


Your take on the stimulus package

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First the U.S. House of Representatives, then the U.S. Senate, now it is our listeners' turn to debate the stimulus package. What do our listeners want and expect from the economic stimulus plan? They are here to tell you.


President Obama pushes his stimulus in prime time

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

President Obama gave his first prime time press conference last night. He used the chance to push hard for his economic stimulus plan. Many of us were glued to our television screens,...


And he's out! Alex Rodriguez cops to steroid use

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Used to be that stolen bases were the bad behavior of baseball, but America’s pastime balked as Yankee slugger Alex Rodriguez admitted to taking performance enhancing substances while...


TARP take two

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will announce how the second half of the $700 billion Congress approved to bailout troubled banks will be spent. The Bush Administration's implem...


Sen. Ben Nelson works hard for peace in the Senate

Monday, February 09, 2009

Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb) has a long history of reaching across party lines to reach consensus on pressing issues in the Senate. His ability to bring together Republicans and Democra...


Only in America? The U.S. health system and the California octuplets

Monday, February 09, 2009

All eyes were on a California woman who gave birth to octuplets earlier this year. The birth of eight children was a modern medical miracle orchestrated by an enormous team of doctors...


Et tu, A-Rod? Positive test for steroids tarnishes reputation

Monday, February 09, 2009

When it came to light that Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids in 2003, baseball fans were shocked. His teammates and fellow players were shocked too, but for different reason...


The Idiot's Guide to vetting a cabinet nominee

Monday, February 09, 2009

Bill Richardson, Tom Daschle, Nancy Kilefer, Tim Geithner, and now Hilda Solis. What do all these names have in common? They were all named to top jobs in President Obama's administra...


Stimulus plans go global

Monday, February 09, 2009

The United States is far from the only nation to develop a plan to get its economy back on track. In fact, at least 33 other countries have done the same. Justin Fox, business and eco...


The week ahead in Washington (not to mention Indiana and Florida)

Monday, February 09, 2009

It's Monday morning and we're gazing ahead to the week in Washington. Might we see new evidence that bipartisanship is possible? Where is President Obama headed? And what's going on w...


A new report from the BBC reveals low optimism in Afghanistan

Monday, February 09, 2009

Our partners, the BBC, just released the results of an opinion poll of residents of Afghanistan. The poll finds that that the majority of Afghans still strongly oppose the return of t...


As one stimulus package is debated, the legacy of another is demolished

Monday, February 09, 2009

President Obama is pushing Congress to finalize his stimulus bill —a plan that would provide federal dollars for projects across the country. At the same time, hundreds of buildings c...


Going off the grid in the push to broadband

Monday, February 09, 2009

They’re calling it the modern day equivalent of the electrical grid, or the interstate highway system. Seven billion dollars of the stimulus plan making its way through Congress right...


Stimulus plan set for vote in Senate

Monday, February 09, 2009

The economic stimulus bill faces its key test vote in the Senate today. If the vote goes according to the Democrats' plan, the bill will be finalized tomorrow. But, the vote in and of...


Making numbers make sense

Monday, February 09, 2009

To understand the economic crisis you need to understand numbers. But it can be difficult to think critically about the statistics used by politicians and journalists, especially when...
