Lilly Ledbetter appears in the following:
Lilly Ledbetter on Equal Pay in NYC and Elsewhere
Friday, May 09, 2014
The advocate discusses her support for efforts on the part of New York City's school safety agents, and other issues around fair pay around the country.
Lilly Ledbetter's Grace and Grit
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was the first bill that President Barack Obama signed after he took office. Lilly Ledbetter describes the discrimination and sexual harassment she faced daily when she joined the management ranks at Goodyear and how she found out that she was being paid thousands less than her male counterparts. In her memoir, Grace and Grit: My Fight for Equal Pay and Fairness at Goodyear and Beyond, she also recounts her lawsuit against the company that went all the way to the Supreme Court.
30 Issues in 30 Days: Equal Pay for Equal Work
Monday, October 20, 2008
Carrie Lukas, vice president for policy and economics at the Independent Women's Forum, ...
Equal Pay for Equal Work
Monday, October 20, 2008
In the latest installment of 30 Issues in 30 Days: both candidates say they support pay equity—but how would they implement it? And what does equal pay for equal work really mean to each of them? Plus: a conversation with former Goodyear manager Lilly Ledbetter. The overturning of her pay ...