Maria Godoy

Maria Godoy appears in the following:

Flying This Holiday? Here Are A Few Tips To Survive Airline Food

Sunday, December 22, 2013

When you think about a scrumptious meal, airline food does not come to mind.

There are plenty of challenges to tasty airline meals, like the fact that many airlines now charge you for anything more than a tiny bag of chips and a plastic cup of non-alcoholic drink, at least ...


Sriracha: First, The Crisis. Now, The Movie

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lately, it seems as if news about Sriracha has been as ubiquitous as the much-loved hot sauce itself.

First, there was the panic over a potential shortage, after a judge ordered the California factory where Sriracha is made to partially shut down, as our friends on the Two-Way blog have ...


What Separates A Healthy And Unhealthy Diet? Just $1.50 Per Day

Friday, December 06, 2013

If you want to eat a more healthful diet, you're going to have to shell out more cash, right? (After all, Whole Foods didn't get the nickname "Whole Paycheck" for nothing.)

But until recently, that widely held bit of conventional wisdom hadn't really been assessed in a rigorous, systematic way, ...


This Is What America's School Lunches Really Look Like

Friday, November 22, 2013

School lunch has never been the stuff of foodie dreams. I'm still haunted by the memory of my elementary school cafeteria's "brain pizza" – a lumpy oval thing topped with fleshy white strips of barely melted mozzarella that clumped together like neurons.

And it looks like America's school cafeterias are ...


Remember 'French Fries Cause Cancer'? Here's The Acrylamide Update

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Back in 2002, french fry lovers around the world received a nasty bit of news: Those crunchy, fried strips of potato contained a known carcinogen. Now, all these years later, a new warning from the Food and Drug Administration has consumers once again puzzling over whether to fear the chemical ...


Does Bacon Really Make Everything Better? Here's The Math

Friday, October 25, 2013

You'd have to be living under a rock to miss the signs of our cultural obsession with bacon. There are bacon Band-Aids, bacon tattoos, bacon sundaes, bacon-infused cocktails and even babies wrapped in bacon costumes, just in time for Halloween.

But is all this devotion ...


Photos: Enter A World Of Cupcake Sledding And Broccoli Lawns

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lots of us play with our food. But for photographer Christopher Boffoli, it's become a full-time career.

Boffoli rose to fame a couple of years ago. You may have seen some of his photographs — amusing dioramas featuring miniature plastic figurines in dramatic settings crafted from food — when ...


Was Your Chicken Nugget Made In China? It'll Soon Be Hard To Know

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Here's a bit of news that might make you drop that chicken nugget midbite.

Just before the start of the long holiday weekend last Friday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture quietly announced that it was ending a ban on processed chicken imports from China. The kicker: These products can ...


Fad Diets Will Seem Even Crazier After You See This

Thursday, September 05, 2013

On one level, it's easy to understand the allure of a fad diet: Eat this, not that and you'll lose weight, guaranteed. Who doesn't want an easy way to shed unwanted pounds?

It was that sort of thinking that first prompted photographer Stephanie Gonot to investigate many current fad ...


Don't Panic! Your Questions On (Not) Washing Raw Chickens

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Without meaning to, I seem to have sparked a "small #chickensh*tstorm," as food writer Michael Ruhlman put it, with my recent post about why you shouldn't wash your raw poultry. The strong, even vituperative responses to the post surprised me. I didn't anticipate that Americans would be quite ...


Julia Child Was Wrong: Don't Wash Your Raw Chicken, Folks

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The doyenne of TV chefs imparted much wisdom to American cooks, but one piece of Child's advice you should ignore is to wash your raw poultry before cooking. It spreads germs. Everywh...

Comments [5]

How Many Cups Of Coffee Per Day Are Too Many?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

That morning cup of Joe is a daily, practically sacred ritual for many of us. A large body of research has confirmed that a coffee habit is perfectly fine for most people, and may even have some health benefits – from fighting depression in women to lowering the


Watermelon Babies Of China: Your Friday Moment Of Zen

Friday, August 09, 2013

Babies come in pretty cute packaging — we're pretty sure it has something to do with Mother Nature wanting you to coo over a burping, pooping little freeloader. But now Chinese Internet users have found a way to one-up nature: They're wrapping those already adorable babes in watermelons.

Yep, watermelons.



Can Chocolate Boost Brain Health? Don't Binge Just Yet

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Wouldn't it be grand (and delicious) if we could boost our brain power with a daily dose of chocolate?

At first blush, a study published in the journal Neurology this week appears to offer tantalizing evidence that this may be the case, at least when it comes to seniors.



Farm To Fido: Dog Food Goes Local

Monday, July 29, 2013

The email read: "We signed a contract for farm-to-bowl dog food product development today, I kid you not :)"

The note was from a friend, Wendy Stuart, who consults on food access and sustainability issues. Even so, our first reaction was: Really?

It's easy to dismiss the concept as ...


Taco Bell Says Adios To Kids' Meals And Toys

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

That Crunchy Taco will no longer come with a side of toy.

Taco Bell announced Tuesday that it is ditching kids' meals and the trinkets that come with them at its U.S. locations. The items will begin to come off menus starting this month, the company says, and should be ...


These Pictures Might Tempt You To Eat Bugs

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Oh, Jiminy Cricket, you've never looked more scrumptious.

The grasshopper kabob is one of several enticing images of insect cuisine included in the new, revised edition of The Eat-A-Bug Cookbook, by avowed entomophagist (i.e., bug eater) David George Gordon.

When the book landed on my desk the other day, I ...


Help! My Egg Yolks Are Freakishly White

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dear Salt,

I recently joined President Obama on his trip through Africa, and I brought a mystery home with me. I wonder if you can help me solve it.

I was supposed to take my anti-malaria pills in the morning, with heavy or fatty food. That meant a lot of ...


The Science Of Twinkies: How Do They Last So Darned Long?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

We have to confess: When we heard that Twinkies will have nearly double the shelf life, 45 days, when they return to stores next week, our first reaction was — days? Not years?

Urban legend has long deemed Twinkies the cockroaches of the snack food world, a treat that can ...


Civil War Soldiers Needed Bravery To Face The Foe, And The Food

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

War is hell, Union Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman is famously said to have uttered.* And the food, he might as well have added, was pretty lousy, too.

As the nation marks the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg — a turning point in the Civil War — it's worth ...
