Roben Farzad appears in the following:
What Financial Reform Means for Both Sides of the Pond
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Finance blogger for Reuters Felix Salmon and Bloomberg Business Week's Roben Farzad discuss fiscal reform in both the US and UK, the dynamics between the countries' finance industries, and whether London or NYC have a stronger financial future.
Financial Reform Agreement: Effect on New York?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Roben Farzad, senior writer for Bloomberg Businessweek, and Charles Herman, WNYC business and economics editor, look at what's in the financial reform agreed upon early this morning, and the effects on Wall St. and Main St.
Financial Reform Continued
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Republicans voted last night to block financial reform from reaching the Senate floor for debate. Roben Farzad, senior writer at Bloomberg Businessweek, examines what's causing the impasse and the prospects for the bill. Plus Help Wanted blogger Lauren discusses the latest in ...
Monday Morning Exchange
Monday, March 15, 2010
BusinessWeek senior writer Roben Farzad talks about financial regulation and other business news on the table.