Steve Rendall appears in the following:
Conclusions on NPR's Liberal Bias
Friday, September 14, 2012
The final installment of our exploration into the question: Does NPR have a liberal bias? In this segment we hear from conservative listeners Sam Negus and Kevin Putt. Then FAIR's Steve Rendall provides his take on our endeavor. PEW's Tom Rosenstiel reports his findings in examining NPR's coverage for bias. And finally, Ira Glass returns to discuss what he learned from our coverage.
Fair and Balanced?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Should the FCC mandate equal time for broadcast journalists on the left and on the right? Journalist Nat Hentoff and senior analyst for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting Steve Rendall debate the issue.
Is Microsoft a monopoly? Disney kills an ABC News story; Arresting Pinochet; Bad at numbers: Sports reporting
Sunday, October 25, 1998
What's the Microsoft trial about? Plus, Disney's ABC spikes a story about... Disney. Are sports reporters reporters who happen to be fans, or fans who happen to be reporters?
How Public Relations Firms Spin the News (hour 1); The Rush Limbaugh Phenomenon (hour 2)
Sunday, July 17, 1994
On the Media discusses the Rush Limbaugh phenomenon.