Torya Blanchard

Owner Good Girls Go To Paris Crepes

Torya Blanchard was born in Detroit and grew up on the Northwest side. After graduation from Redford High (now closed), she began her studies at Michigan Technological University with an intent on becoming an engineer. After one year at Michigan Tech she took a year off to live in Paris as an au pair.  She finished her studies at Wayne State University in French Education. After teaching for 5 years at a local charter school, Torya decided to cash in her 401K, quit her job, and open up the first Good Girls Go to Paris Crepes, a walk up stand at 2 John R in downtown Detroit.  A year later she opened the second, sit-down version Good Girls Go To Paris Crepes in the Park Shelton (next to the DIA).

Torya currently resides in Detroit with her husband Richard, their two puli dogs Harry and Rambo, and her ever expanding vintage film poster collection.

Torya Blanchard appears in the following:

As Bernanke Offers His Economic Outlook, Takeaway Listeners Offer Theirs

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke spoke before Congress today. He gave his assessment of the American economy and proposed new potential measures to foster economic growth. The Ta...

Comments [3]

Small Business Owners Assess President Obama's Jobs Plan

Friday, January 29, 2010

In his State of the Union address, President Obama proposed to spend $30 billion to help small businesses weather the tough economy. This is the latest move by the administration to support small business owners, but has any of these plans materialized into practical help? We put the question to small business owners in different parts of the country.
