WNYC Newsteam appears in the following:
Mario Cuomo: A Liberal 'Mugged' by Crime Rates
Friday, January 02, 2015
WNYC's Brian Lehrer remembers former New York governor Mario Cuomo, who died Thursday at the age of 82.
Free Wireless Network Downtown
Thursday, May 08, 2003
New York, NY —
Today the city launches its wireless network in lower manhattan. Seven zones below Chambers Street will be turned on during the warm weather months and will let anyone log on to the Internet without having to plug in, as long as their laptop and handheld ...Are New Yorkers Afraid?
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
New York, NY —
Ray Kelly, NYC's police commissioner, announced extended police coverage throughout the city. The NYPD is calling the plan Project Atlas.WNYC went to talk to New Yorkers to see how they were feeling about the increased risk due to war.