Rebecca Davis

Rebecca Davis appears in the following:

'Join or Die' Documentary Traces History of Decline in American Community Connections

Monday, July 15, 2024

A new documentary, "Join or Die,"  tells the history of the decline in community and connection in America, and the consequences of increasing social isolation.


Trying to crack the Nipah code: How does this deadly virus spill from bats to humans?

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Nipah virus, which can rapidly infect and kill members of a community, is carried by bats. Exactly how does it cross over into humans? Researchers in Bangladesh are trying to find out.


Conflict in Tigray has led to a collapse of its public health system

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Conflict in Tigray has led to a collapse of its public health system. Physicians are having to reuse gloves, use expired medications and deny patients care because of lack of resources and power.


Whatever happened to the 'No Sex for Fish' women after the flood? Hint: It's 'amazing'

Sunday, September 11, 2022

That's what a charity worker said of their latest plan. The Kenyan fishmongers got their own boats to escape pressure to trade sex for fish to sell. Then floods wiped them out. Now there's new hope.


22 tips for 2022: To cut back on plastic, you need to audit how much you use

Monday, January 10, 2022

The first step in cutting back on plastic is understanding what you're using, and how much of it. Do an audit of the plastics in your home to get a sense of how much plastic you use.


Life Was Improving For 'No Sex For Fish.' Then Came The Flood

Sunday, November 01, 2020

In a Kenyan fishing village along Lake Victoria, women fought the practice of fishermen demanding sex in exchange for a catch of fish to sell. They were making progress. Then came the floods of 2020.


Getting A Coronavirus Test To Make Visiting Family Safe? Not So Fast

Thursday, August 13, 2020

If you want to socialize with family or friends — say share a vacation cabin — can testing in advance keep everyone safe? We asked experts how diagnostic tests work and how to interpret the results.


What It's Like To Be Quarantined On A Cruise Ship For Coronavirus

Friday, February 07, 2020

Passengers aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship are under coronavirus quarantine. They're confined to their cabins and passengers are getting restless — and anxious about rising cases of illness.


No Sex For Fish: How Women In A Fishing Village Are Fighting For Power

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Along Lake Victoria, women fishmongers often engage in transactional sex with fishermen — a practice that contributes to Kenya's high rate of HIV. One group is challenging that convention.


More U.S. Towns Are Feeling The Pinch As Recycling Becomes Costlier

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The U.S. recycling industry is facing a quandary: Too much of the plastic we use can't be recycled, and taxpayers increasingly are on the hook for paying for all that trash to hit the landfills.


Perfect Storm Hits U.S. Recycling Industry

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Since Woodbury, N.J., began the nation's first mandatory curbside recycling program, the industry is in trouble. China has stopped taking all the plastic so facilities are overwhelmed.


Sorting Out Plastics At The Grocery Store

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Every visit to the grocery store it seems we're faced with more and more plastic packaging. We visit a grocery store with a recycling expert who has some tips.


When Teens Threaten Violence, A Community Responds With Compassion

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

After years of being beaten up, this teen decided to take justice into his own hands. A school district in Oregon showed him a better way to solve his problems.


Your Questions About Plastic Waste, Answered

Friday, February 08, 2019

How can I find out if my plastic waste is really being recycled What makes some plastic recyclable and some not? Here are answers from the NPR correspondents working on "The Plastic Tide" series.


Update: A Young Man's Experiment With A 'Living Drug' For Leukemia

Friday, September 14, 2018

After trying one treatment after another for his leukemia, 20-year old Aaron Reid enrolled in a study to test an experimental therapy using modified cells from his own body.


Beyond Opioids: How A Family Came Together To Stay Together

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Infants do better with their parents, studies find, as long as parents have support to get and stay sober. This program starts during pregnancy, to rally and train a strong family support network.


Parenting Advice From Uncle Sam

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Nervous mothers and dads once had only family and friends to turn to for advice on kids. Then, in 1912, the U.S. government created an agency devoted to children, and queries from moms poured in.


How Racism May Cause Black Mothers To Suffer The Death Of Their Infants

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

African-American women are more likely to lose a baby in the first year of life than women of any other race. Scientists think that stress from racism makes their bodies and babies more vulnerable.


Some Houstonians Still Haven't Seen Their Homes

Monday, September 04, 2017

In one Houston community, residents stand around on a street corner as if it were a bus stop — waiting to catch a ride on a boat that will take them to see their flooded homes.


After Mastectomy, Young Woman's Tattoo Helps Her Feel Whole Again

Monday, August 14, 2017

Nicole was only 23 when she had a double mastectomy following a breast cancer diagnosis. After she recovered, Nicole got a chest tattoo that symbolized how she wants to live life after cancer.
