Rob Schmitz

Marketplace’s China correspondent, based in Shanghai

Rob Schmitz appears in the following:

Amid Trade War With U.S., There Are Signs Of Dissent Among China's Economists

Friday, November 30, 2018

Sheng Hong of the Beijing-based Unirule Institute of Economics is one who has dared to speak up. Now authorities have shut down his think tank and he's been prevented from traveling abroad.


Beijing Is Pushing Hard To Influence U.S. Views Of China, Report Says

Thursday, November 29, 2018

The new report, authored by some of the top experts on China, warns of an aggressive influence campaign aimed at the U.S. government, universities and even Hollywood.


China Interference Report

Thursday, November 29, 2018

One of China's most prominent scholars shows the many ways China's Communist Party is attempting to influence and infiltrate American government, society, and economy.


Chinese Scientist Responsible For Genetically Altered Twins Faces Intense Criticism

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

In Shanghai, Chinese scientists are reacting to another scientist who is under fire for "gene editing" babies. Many say his practices are unethical and the government is investigating his work.


'They Ordered Me To Get An Abortion': A Chinese Woman's Ordeal In Xinjiang

Friday, November 23, 2018

An ethnic Kazakh Chinese woman says Chinese authorities in Xinjiang forced her to undergo an abortion. Government minders were assigned to monitor her at home. Finally, she left China for Kazakhstan.


Rhetoric Indicates A Solution To U.S.-China Trade War Won't Happen Soon

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Hopes for a resolution to the U.S.-China trade war at the G20 summit look increasingly dim. The U.S. says Beijing's unfair trade practices continue, and China appears to be preoccupied with Germany.


In China, The Communist Party's Latest, Unlikely Target: Young Marxists

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Chinese authorities are cracking down on student activists, exposing a paradox between a state founded on Marxist principles and the young people it calls upon to carry them out.


Newsbrief: Calif. Wildfires, Brexit And Chinese Muslim Repression

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The death toll climbs to 48 in Calif. wildfires. Britain's prime minister presents a Brexit plan to her cabinet Wednesday. And a look at China's growing repression of mostly Muslim minorities.


A Woman Tells Her Story Of Forced Abortion And Escape From China's Repression

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The story of one Kazakh woman who Chinese authorities forced to undergo an abortion and then assigned local government "minders" who were with her 24/7 as she attempted to escape China to Kazakhstan.


Ex-Detainee Describes Torture In China's Xinjiang Re-Education Camp

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

"They made me wear what they called 'iron clothes,'" the man tells NPR, describing a 50-pound metal suit he was forced to wear for 12 hours. When he returned home, people were afraid to speak to him.


Families Of The Disappeared: A Search For Loved Ones Held In China's Xinjiang Region

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Kazakh rights organization has collected more than 1,000 testimonies from ethnic Kazakhs and Uighurs whose families have disappeared into a network of internment camps in Xinjiang.


Expo Promotes China's Desire To Attract Foreign Imports

Monday, November 05, 2018

China's president kicked off an enormous trade conference Monday in Shanghai aimed at finding alternative trading routes for China — now that the U.S.-China trade war has settled in.


Asia Markets Plummet

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Stocks in Asia plummeted today as currencies in the region remain unstable.


Detained In China, Interpol President Resigns Over Bribery Charges

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Interpol's president has resigned after being detained by Chinese authorities who accuse him of corruption. This is the latest in a string of detentions of influential people in China.


Australia And New Zealand Are Ground Zero For Chinese Influence

Tuesday, October 02, 2018

China has had a profound economic and political impact Down Under. Now Australia and New Zealand are taking steps to fight back.


Some North Koreans Puzzled By U.S. Call For Denuclearization

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

A summit between the North and South Korean leaders seemed to move the peninsula closer to denuclearization. While in North Korea, NPR asked citizens their thoughts on giving up nuclear weapons.


News Brief: Kavanaugh Latest, Brexit, Koreas Summit

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

We have the latest developments on the sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. Also, European leaders are meeting to discuss Brexit, while leaders of North and South Korea also met.


North Korea's Kim Jong Un Says He Will Visit Seoul

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

During a third summit between Kim Jong Un and South Korea's Moon Jae-in, Pyongyang also agrees to dismantle missile and nuclear weapons sites if the U.S. takes "corresponding" measures.


Leaders Of North And South Korea Meet In Pyongyang For 3rd Summit

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un hosts South Korean President Moon Jae-in Tuesday in Pyongyang for the first day of a three-day summit. This is their third meeting since April.


North And South Korean Leaders Set To Meet For Third Time This Year

Monday, September 17, 2018

Leaders of North and South Korea will meet Tuesday in Pyongyang for their third summit meeting this year.
