Hear music featuring the violin, solo, and coupled with keyboard, looping, field recordings, and the voice. Listen to works by Jessica Moss, Abraham Brody, Iva Bittova, and Maarja Nuut.
Go to program: New Sounds
Home for the musically curious. Serving hand-picked, genre-free music 24/7.
Home for the musically curious. Serving hand-picked, genre-free music 24/7.
Home for the musically curious. Serving hand-picked, genre-free music 24/7.
Home for the musically curious. Serving hand-picked, genre-free music 24/7.
Home for the musically curious. Serving hand-picked, genre-free music 24/7.
Night three of Bowie’s entire “Berlin Trilogy” of albums, tonight is 'Low' performed by members of Deerhoof, Xiu Xiu, Shearwater, Dirty Projectors, and Wordless Music Orchestra.
Home for the musically curious. Serving hand-picked, genre-free music 24/7.