UPDATE: See the ten best pictures as selected by the British Journal of Photography here.
Full archive of the best photos of 2013 -- that are sitting on your cell phone.
NOTE: The slideshow below only displays the most recent 40 photographs. Click through the archive below the slideshow to see all the submissions.
If your photo uploaded sideways, don't worry - we'll rotate the photos that are selected for the final slideshow.
Surella Baer
This was a hawk that hit the Starbucks window I was sitting by. He shrugged it off and proceeded to attack some pigeons nearby. You can't get a sense of how large he was, but he was just majestic (for Queens, NY anyway!)
Laura Ball
Following the February 2013 nor'easter (aka Winter Storm Nemo), New Yorkers of all ages crowded the slopes of Fort Greene Park to enjoy the snow.
Gail de Luca
This is a photo of a Helleborus plant in bloom peeking through the snow. It was taken in my garden and I love the fact that there are flowering plants in the middle of winter.
Alex Villasana
The picture is of princess bay taken from the Sherrot Ave. Pier in Staten Island. One Saturday morning of November. Turned to be now a really meaningfully moment of caln after submitting the passport renewal application for my son.
Matthew Potts
Stumbled into a quiet, relatively unknown church in Florence, Italy, and caught this moment with my dad, a Methodist pastor from New Jersey.
Chris Cama
I didn't intent ally twist the phone when I took this photo but the twisting ironically added to the turbulent scene of the dogs running round and round trying to get a monopoly of a stick. Taken 8/13 Dog run in Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx. From left to right: Bruce, Sargent, Sombra, and Rocky
Matthew Potts
I was studying architecture in Rome, Italy last semester and had heard of a little-known event at the Pantheon where the sunlight from the oculus aligns with the arch over the entrance portal on April 8th at 1pm. (Adjust for daylight savings and exchange the Gregorian calendar for the Roman one, and it happens at noon on April 21, the celebrated birth date of Rome).
As I entered the Pantheon to wait for the alignment, I caught this dramatic shot that I thought was more impressive than the event itself.
Koren Reyes
I took this on May 25, 2013 in Brooklyn near Borough Hall. It was a thrilling day for me as an avid folding-bike cyclist because I couldn't wait to participate in the new Citibike program. This was my very first sighting of a full but not yet operational Citibike station.
Laura Ball
An early December sunset over downtown Manhattan, viewed through a circular window at The New School's Arnhold Hall.
Lawrence Applebaum
Rushhour at The Grand Central Shuttle.November 2013
Anna Marina Karadimas
On top of the world - in Evritania, Greece.
This photo of the doughboy monument in Rockaway was taking this past Vets day.
It's just a beautiful World War I monument
Gail de Luca
The photo is of some of my harvest from my summer vegetable garden. I took the photo in my kitchen and I love the fact that it reminds me of a still life by a Flemish painter,
Alexa Garbarino
I did not take this picture with my cell phone, but it is on my cell phone. I'm a photographer and do a family holiday card every year. This year we did a take off on Breaking Bad and the photo is of my husband, Tom, my daughter, Remi, and me.
Tim Graedon
My wife and I took an amazing trip to Ireland in the spring of this year. This old monastery at Glendalough, and the grounds around it, was one of my favorite parts of the trip.
Kate Rochat
I took this picture of the NYC Supreme Court walking back to the subway after going to dinner with my friend. I walked in the wrong direction because I am "directionally challenged" but stumbled upon this picturesque scene of the building's impressive architecture in the snow. And not only is it pretty - its a sign that I actually know where I am and how to get home. I take this shot and send it to my friend to say that sometimes me walking in the wrong direction works in my favor.
I like the picture so much because living in NYC is hard. It's high pressure, cramped living and permanently empty bank accounts (especially if you're a college student like me). But, NYC will also drop little moments of intense beauty and amazement into your lap to remind you why you're here.
Anne Hess
I took this photo on the platform during President Obama's 2nd Inauguration. I took this photo as President Obama greeted his daughters as he entered the platform. I like this photo because you can see both Biden's and Obama's families AND the nine justices of The Supreme Court. I took the photo because I doubt I will ever be as up close to history in the making again.
On our way to Panta Vrexei-Eyrytania, Greece, we made a few pit stops here and there to take photos of the beautiful scenery all around us. I love how blue the sky is and how green the trees and mountains are. It's such a clean appearance, and then there's the car with dirt all over it from traveling through unpaved roads up the mountains.
Eric Michael Tollefson
This was taken in Midtown (obviously) during the rush of the evening on a Sunday. I was crossing the street heading for the subway having just come from dinner with my parents who came to the city to see us as we won't be going home for Christmas this year. As I crossed the street I noticed the moon and an odd illusion; it looks as though the moon is illuminating Rockefeller Center in a soft bathing light near the top but in fact is a spotlight from the street below.
Then the wire running along 6th ave. strung across 50th street catches the actual moonlight adding to this illusion. Radio City lending its classic marque to my shot helps makes this one of my most recent favorites.
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