February 09, 2012 08:34:34 PM

Michael Devlin




Spaldeen. These were the most popular pink rubber balls of their day. Spaldeen is how you pronounced it, but the ball said Spalding Hi-Bounce Ball.


If you came out of your house as a child, you know "Spaldeens" and the dozens of games you played with them. Tougher than asphalt and brick walls, the ball of choice in New York City neighborhoods. Stickball, slap-ball, punch-ball, handball, box-ball, the "I declare war!" ball. It wouldn't mark a parked car, only direct hits would break windows, easy to spot when it got in the tomato plants, it attained the stratosphere off a stickball bat, could be caught with or without a baseball glove and smelled nasty when it split in two!


Comments [1]

As kids in the Bronx (I was born in 1954) we'd clean our "Spaldeens" buy scraping them against the rough concrete sidewalk, sometimes overdoing the process and destroying the ball!

Feb. 22 2012 01:24 PM

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