February 10, 2012 12:04:02 AM





Athena cup (blue coffee cup)


This exemplifies new york's hustle and bustle. On the go. Caffienated. In a rush. Yet quaint, cozy, and historic, with just a hint of kitch sprinkled in. The story of the athena cup is great, the Times did a fantastic obit on its creator.

And in typical New York fashion, this cheap, little, generic cup with fake flair has transformed itself into an icon seen on the streets of the city every morning.


Comments [1]

Sher from lower Manhattan

"we are Happy to Serve You" cup is Totally classic New York!
Gets my vote!
Since voting system seems totally obscure: these are my 10:
Greek Happy to Serve You Cup
NYC Subway system - including the early 3 lines, old graffittied cars and shiny new cars.
Spaldeen ball
Hot and Cold running water, flush toilet & the acquaduct system
Hot Dog Cart and other push carts
Manhattan Schist Bedrock
1811 Commissioner's map and the Street Grid
Yellow Taxi
Brooklyn Bridge
Flushing Remonstrance solidifying our tolerance

Feb. 24 2012 04:59 PM

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