February 13, 2012 10:18:39 AM

tracy fitz


previously from 24000 bc until about 6000 bc humans in eastern europe lived in cooperation and peace.
The art and artifacts and archeology points demonstrates this, ( see the work of Marija Gimbutas.)
the fact that humans have been fighting since 4000 bc or so, and documented by art and artifacts and archeology, (Crete 1200 BC first art depicting war- Gimbutas)
does in no way mean we must continue.
Work of Robert Sopolsky socialogy and baboons, has observed a baboon troup in africa that no long operates on the basis of heirarchy and physical power governing- but is cooperative.
War is not inevitable, it is a choice. Epigenetics also shows that expression of genes is dependent on environment and inheritance, so that a desire to change, and opportunity to learn can heal and create offspring that is healthy rather than stuck in ineffective and self destructive behavior.

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