Sebastian Polanco
War is here to stay.
Wars are the result of either greed,(exceptionalism),or internal economic pressures. Of course a balanced combination of these two is to be expected.The Spanish -American War and the preemptive wars launched by the USA and Israel in the Middle East are examples of one. The Manchurian war, the re-arming of Germany which ended in WWII are of the second kind. Wars are political tools used to distract from heavy internal social, economic or political problems; the Falkland Islands war, again the Israeli wars, the North Korean production of nuclear weapons and the upcoming war against Iran could be cited as examples of this. Spice-up any of those situations with beliefs such as,(or rather biased definitions of) Democracy, Freedom, or tags such as Pure Race, Chosen People, Infidel or Terrorist. Top it off with average stupidity and ignorance and there you have it. Eliminate all of the above and then there will be peace
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