February 14, 2012 02:36:59 PM



"War is Inevitable" because human beings, throughout the history of time, have only been able to agree on one core issue: disagreement.

Organisms, by nature, are parasitic. Only through tough environmental challenges that arise, does cooperation exist. Look at the Chimpanzee (our ancestor) in Asia. For as many that help each other crack open coconuts to feed their family and tribe, there are just as many that would crack it over another's head to have more coconuts.

Organisms tend to evolve into group think because it is the simplest way to solve problems, pooling resources together to ensure survival. Group thin kcan also be incredibly destructive as organism, especiaslly humans, can be easily influenced due to fear and scarcity.

We live in a finite world. Finite worlds produce only one constant: scarcity. And scarcity, itself, provides only one constant: war.

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