February 27, 2012 11:45:19 AM



Not just wars but endless wars. First it was the native Americans then the annihilation of slaves, then the nukes on Japs , then another 5 million yellow people wiped out and then the attention turned against the Brown people.

The end result is to create all the orphans ,kill the men and turn the women into prostitutes as we see it in Iraq.

Comments [1]

Judy Stadt from Spring Valley, NY

Wars will never end. They have been going on since humans were fighting neandertals. We are made up of billions of cells and when they grow to larger numbers they join up and kill other cells. Ever heard of Cancer? The war that will kill us in a major way will be the viral war. It's a pandemic waiting to happen. Meanwhile the religious nuts will be fighting against each other for their invisible god to be king of the universe. Insanity rules.

Feb. 27 2012 11:55 AM

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