May 17, 2012 05:55:31 PM



I do think that war's inevitable. I just returned from Sarajevo,BH.
I believe like your guest said that there are maybe 2% who are sociopaths, but the problem is that some sociopaths are charismatic enough and power driven to achieve positions of power and influence.Then what happensas some Sociologists have stated "64% of people will listen and not question those in power AND go along, 34% will listen, QUESTION, BUT go along; only 2% will question AND not go along.
There have been studies that research what separates the 3 groups of neighbors who become involved in a war of genocide. One group descends into joining in the persecution of their neighbors/friends, a second group doesn't join in the persecution but does nothing to aid the persecuted i.e. of the Jews in Germany; the Muslims in Bosnia; the third group that actually helped their persecuted neighbors were a minority and when studied were found to be people who "think outside the box" in other words (in my opinion) that 2% who are the "free thinkers"
There will always be the sociopaths and with the breakdown of the family unit maybe there'll be a lot more than 2% of the population becoming Sociopaths.

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