May 21, 2012 11:19:41 PM



I believe that war is not inevitable. I have always thought war to be ludicrous and it appalling that the majority have been conditioned to believe that war is necessary and servicing it is noble. Looking at it from the potential of human evolution, through a separation from our individual egos we can reach a different level of consciousness. It is difficult to know if we will make it as a human race ultimately, but we are seeing signs of a greater awareness. Perhaps over a long time we will be able to discover that which we are ultimately meant to as humans, I believe, which is an inner peace which is available to anyone in sickness and in health, in poverty and wealth. A love and a joy for the mystery of the world, for something bigger than even who we are collectively...a trust that everything is ok as it is and is as it should be and that we do not have to take control. It is such a great challenge for us today because we are not yet there, but we are showing each other the way. We just need to take each day and decide to choose kindness to witness the power of love instead of hate. Take a small step and try to be calm in the face of conflict and you will discover the power to diffuse it. It is truly amazing.

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