November 26, 2010 09:26:17 PM

This is my origami star and fringe tassle tree made from Japanese grocery store flyers (I get free) folded into stars, spray painted, and decorated with rolled up fringe from a sample book I've had from my Girl Scout troop leader days.

The stars ranged in size from 9" to 1" in diameter and the tassles are rolled up fringe samples glued to stay together. I then took a wine cork and inserted a wooden skewer through the center. I stacked the stars and glued them so that the wouldn't shift around, and then stuck the cork into an old candle holder I kept after that the glass cylinder for it broke. I spray painted the whole tree and stuck in the tassles.

I was looking to recycle and repurpose stuff I had around the house. I hope you enjoy it!

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