December 20, 2013 08:16:11 AM

Jennifer Bogo


I took this in photo in Prospect Park during one of the Brooklyn Bird Club's spring migration walks. I believe it was on a trail that cut through the Midwood, which is Brooklyn's oldest remaining forest. Often there are maybe a dozen people, but on this day the group just kept ballooning.
This image includes all different species of birder--young, old, novice, expert, Brooklynite, Manhattanite. But I particularly like that it captures a collective total enthusiasm for the task at hand. Shortly before I took this photo, someone spotted a yellow-billed Cuckoo; after the bird flew away, the crowd literally broke into applause.

  • Upload your pictures in the form below. You'll need to save the photograph to your local desktop (emailing it to yourself is one option) in order to do so.
  • 2 pictures per person maximum - we're serious!
  • Deadline is Noon, Wednesday, December 25th
  • Oh, and: as tempting as it may be -- no pets or kids (unless they have some news value!) No selfies allowed unless they feature you and the Danish Prime Minister in South Africa.

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