Daily Schedule

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  • 12:00 AM
  • The End of Unemployment?
    Today marks the end of the most recent Federal unemployment benefits extension.  Plus: a recent gene tweak has reversed the aging process in mice; more on the Wikileaks cable dump; ...
  • 02:00 AM
  • BBC World Service delivers breaking news and information programming around the world, in English and 28 other language services, on radio, TV and digital.

  • 05:00 AM
    Special Programming
  • 06:00 AM
  • Imagining a World of Open Diplomacy

    The WikiLeaks document cache is shining a bright light on the secret conversations of U.S. diplomats. Council of Foreign Relations president Richard Haass imagines what it would it be like if diplomacy was always conducted in this open a fashion. Also, a profile of Bradley Manning, the man accused of leaking the documents; the Pentagon report into 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'; how the food safety overhaul passed by the Senate will change FDA inspections; why many Democratic state legislators are turning Republican; and singer/song writer Ben Kweller on his songs for Hanukkah.

  • 10:00 AM
  • Deficit Dilemmas

    The Deficit Commission appointed by President Obama is close to finalizing its recommendations.  Plus: observing World AIDS Day; more on the WikiLeaks leaks; and how health factors into morality. 

  • 12:00 PM
  • Shining a Light

    Kirsten Dunst and director Andrew Jarecki discuss their new film “All Good Things,” based on the story of Robert Durst, who was suspected—but never tried for—the 1982 disappearance of his wife Kathie. Then, artist Kiki Smith and architect Deborah Gans describe their stained glass installation at the Museum at Eldridge Street. It’s the final part of a 20-year-long restoration of the space. Also, Anne Rice talks about her latest novel, Of Love and Evil (Songs of the Seraphim). And on the first day of Hanukah, Gil Marks shares his Encyclopedia of Jewish Food.

  • 02:00 PM
  • Tell Me More focuses on the way we live, intersect and collide in a culturally diverse world. Capturing the headlines, issues and pleasures relevant to multicultural life in America, the daily one-hour series is hosted by award-winning journalist Michel Martin. Tell Me More marks Martin's first role in hosting a daily program. She views it as an opportunity to focus on the stories, experiences, ideas and people important in contemporary life but often not heard.

  • 03:00 PM
  • Marco Werman hosts an engaging daily portrait of what’s happening around the world, from PRX, the BBC and WGBH in Boston.

  • 04:00 PM
  • A wrap-up of the day’s news, with features and interviews about the latest developments in New York City and around the world, from NPR and the WNYC newsroom.

  • 06:30 PM
  • Marketplace is not only about money and business, but about people, local economies and the world — and what it all means to us.

  • 07:00 PM
  • A wrap-up of the day’s news, with features and interviews about the latest developments in New York City and around the world, from NPR and the WNYC newsroom.

  • 08:00 PM
  • The Peabody Award-winning program features Terry Gross’ fearless and insightful interviews with big names in pop culture, politics and the arts.

  • 09:00 PM
  • Veteran host Diane Rehm guides powerful conversations on an array of topics with distinguished thinkers of our times.

  • 10:00 PM
  • Hosted by Warren Olney, To the Point is a fast-paced, news based one-hour daily national program that focuses on the hot-button issues of the day, co-produced by KCRW and Public Radio International.

  • 11:00 PM
  • The PBS NewsHour  provides in-depth analysis of current events with a news summary, live studio interviews, discussions and documentary reports.