It's A Free Country
Watch Live: President Obama News Conference
Ahead of another battle over sequestration, President Barack Obama is expected to unveil a proposal of spending cuts and reforms to tax policies today at 1:15. Feb 5, 2013
Watch Live: President Obama and VP Biden Announce New Gun Measures
President Obama and Vice President Biden unveil new proposals addressing gun violence. Watch live and Tweet your reactions along with us. Jan 16, 2013
Watch Live: President Obama News Conference
President Obama will host the final press conference of his first term today, weeks after a contentious debt ceiling negotiation. Jan 14, 2013
Watch Live | President Obama Makes Statement on Fiscal Cliff
Following a meeting with congressional leaders on the so-called fiscal cliff, President Barack Obama is expected to make a statement at 5:45 p.m. Dec 28, 2012
Watch| NRA Presser After Sandy Hook
The NRA gave its first press conference since the shootings at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. on Friday. The group's Vice President Wayne LaPierre called for armed guards at a... Dec 21, 2012
Watch: President Obama on Policy After Newtown
President Obama speaks about the policy process the administration will pursue in the wake of the Newtown tragedy. Watch the remarks and read a transcript below. Dec 19, 2012
Watch: President Obama Addresses Conn. School Shooting
President Barack Obama delivered a statement about the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on Friday. Watch the video and read the remarks. Dec 14, 2012
Fiscal Cliff Cuts Would be Deepest for New York's Disadvantaged
New York stands to take a $600 million hit in 2013 if Congress fails to avert automatic spending cuts slated for January, which would fall disproportionately on poor and middle-income... Dec 6, 2012
Explainer: How the GOP is Losing the Middle Ground
Despite all the talk of minority voters and demographic segments, there are signs Republicans are losing the political middle.
Dec 3, 2012