June 16, 2015 11:43:05 AM



205 months


The sun rose and everything fell into place in the mind of Alex Whitman. She was now thirteen years old, and she fully understood the universe. Yes, Alex understood it, but no, she didn't get it. She understood, that sometimes people say nice things to your face but mean things behind your back. She understood that parents told white lies and that kids sometimes felt wiser than parents, although that was rarely the case. Understanding things, however, is different from understanding why. Why did people lie, try, or do anything in between? Why was there a motivational poster at Alex's school that said "Dare to be different"? If everyone dared to be different, wouldn't that make us all the same? The positive effects of being different should be a well kept secret, locked away in a safe on the bottom of the Atlantic. Why did Alex's friend, Sarah, say that "Melanie only acted nice, but secretly she was a total bitch"? Alex always thought that kindness was displayed through actions, so if Melanie acted nice, doesn't that mean that she WAS nice? Oh boy, the world sure is confusing. Alex smelled birthday pancakes. Being thirteen sure is confusing. Time to open presents. Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.