June 30, 2015 10:41:56 PM





The sun rose and everything fell.
I was blind in the dark and my eyes were too weak to tell.
I tripped over boxes, furniture and everything but air.
I was at a war with items too familiar which was not fair.
My hands were no longer part of me.
I couldn't see not an inch or a foot for me to flee.
I felt the wind but nothing else,no yells no screams for my name.
Was I now dead what a shame.
To think I was so young and I would die.
I had little or no time to say good- bye
Alex's shoulder brushed mine and we looked face to face.
If only I'd be tall enough to reach the door locking us out of this place.
Suddenly my humanity came back to realize Alex was a snob.
Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.