July 08, 2015 12:03:32 AM





The sun rose and everything fell. It was 9 o’clock on a Friday evening and Alex had a date. Not that this was a big deal or anything, Alex had a lot of dates. This was a little out of the ordinary though, being that Alex had met her online. He didn’t trust Tinder, nor did he have the strength to be shut down by attractive females in the area after his pickup lines were torn apart with reviews varying from “disgusting” to “You’re*”, so he used HotSingles.com. There were no profile pictures, just user names, so vapebro69 was in business. He had started chatting back and forth with hotmamixoxo about 2 weeks ago and things had gotten steamy. They had exchanged pictures, not of their faces, and he certainly liked what he saw. She said she was a few years older than him, but Alex didn’t mind. They planned to meet at the club downtown, have a few drinks, and then head back to his place. Alex got dressed in his button-down and khakis, excited to meet the sexy stranger in person.

vapebro69: OMW, can’t wait to meet you hottie ;)
hotmamixoxo: you too sugar ;) ready for some cardio tonight?

“Funny,” he said, “Mom always calls me sugar.” Must be an older woman thing, he thought to himself.

vapebro69: all night long ;)

He pulled into the club, a little nervous since he hadn’t been with a girl in a while.

hotmamixoxo: meet me in the VIP room, I rented it for us ;)

“Holy shit!!” Alex hated the awkward morning-after game he had to play with girls in order to get them to leave, subtly hinting he had “a doctor appointment in 15 minutes” and “an aunt who was recently ran over by a semi”. This way he could meet her, hook up with her, and go back to his place free and independent. As he approached the VIP room door and knocked twice.
“Come in, sugar.”
Weird.. that voice sounded oddly familiar. Too familiar. Suddenly all the pieces of the puzzle started to fit, and Alex had a feeling no son should ever have to experience in his life. Hotmami had said she was recently single; similarly, Alex’s parents had just wrapped up the loose ends of their divorce. Hotmami worked as a nurse; Alex’s mom was a nurse anesthetist. And now that he’d come to think of it, he did see a red car parked outside just like hers.
“Oh my f*cking god… I sent nudes to my mom..
“Well sugar, are you gonna stay out there all night, or are gonna come in and have some fun? I promise I won’t bite, unless you want me to.”
After booking an appointment with a top psychologist, Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.