July 08, 2015 03:23:40 PM





The sun rose and everything fell. Everything seemed to be falling but Alex is the only thing actually that fell. Out of his bed. It was like when you learned to ride a bike and just took the training wheels off. You were hopeful and ready, about to ride a bike for the first time. However your dreams were dashed when you fell off as quickly as you got on, and managed to brake your wrist. That was the type of fall Alex just had (minus the broken wrist). He knew this is what his whole day would be like. He slowly got up so he could begin this day. Although only ten seconds had passed since he'd woken up he was ready to go to bed, but he also wanted food, and decided instead to go for that. But first he had to brush his teeth. He went to the bathroom right off his room and put some toothpaste on his brush. He put the toothbrush with the paste on it under a little running water and what do ya know, the toothpaste falls off. It thuds against the side of the sink and sits there, mocking him. He sighs, heavily, but continues on and does the same routine again and the toothpaste stays on. This was the first thing thats gone right for Alex all day. He finishes brushing, spits into the sink and wipes off his face. He goes to put the brush away but he misses. It skims the side of the cup falls off the counter with a 'plop'. Yes, he defiantly heard a 'plop'. He looks over the counter and there's his toothbrush floating in the toilet like a dead fish. Right now Alex is feeling how BJ Novak must have felt when he dyed his hair blond, sh*tty. He decides to flush it. He remembers he needs deodorant, but there doesn't seem to be any in sight, so he lets it go. Before leaving the bathroom he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. Imagine if Gollum from Lord of the Rings had a love child with the grown up version of the kid from the Home alone series. Thats what he looked like. He didn't even know where to start, so he didn't and left the bathroom. Since he looked horrible he thought he should dress nicely. Unfortunately Alex does not have the best fashion sense and throws on something resembling that of which an Alcatraz prisoner might be forced to wear. At this point everything about Alex is going south, his appearance, attitude and hygiene are all awful and nothing has gone his way. However he's going to have to leave his room at some point, so why not now. Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.