July 08, 2015 05:07:06 PM





The sun rose and everything fell. There was crowns and swords and presealed art books. Alex tried to sit up before realizing his pants had fallen down. Besides that, there were more challenges ahead, like the long trek across the room to the exit door. He only got about three feet before tripping over a mint-edition plush Johnny action figure. His brain muscles bulged as he sat irritated and grumpy on the floor.
His visitor from the night before had caused this mess. "That's the last time I'll bring a stranger home, even if she was attractive and knew all the names of every main cast member in Star Trek: The Next Generation," he thought.
The night had gone well until she asked to see his ultra-rare factory-sealed copy of Dungeon Master: The Fate of Tarkis. He never showed that to anyone, not even an attractive female who was semi-interested in him. She had gotten upset and ran to the bathroom. "The bathroom!" Alex thought. He arrived there and saw the surly vixen's first act of anger: she had overflown the toilet and flooded the room with three inches of water. Alex had been asleep during this.
That's when the revenge plot really got going. She had tied him up to the bed with his collection of the actual rope used in episode two of Star Force. Then, she hung everything up, everything he loved, up on the ceiling and stole his prized possession. Then she left, or, Alex hoped she had left.
He soon heard screaming from upstairs; his mother was in hysterics. "What had she done?" Alex thought. He approached the exit to the room with apprehension. Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.