July 09, 2015 02:36:07 AM





The Perfect Plan
The sun rose and everything fell. Not that I’m crying that the sky is falling or anything, that’s strictly for the movies. Moreover, I’m not a chicken. It was perfectly ordinary day in mid-January, my mood was as normal as a hormone raging 16 year old girl can get. The sun was shining, which itself was a rare treat for Michigan winter day. I woke up as I normally do, jumping out of my bed and promptly falling face first onto the floor. Damn lazy cat. Once I had formally introduced myself to the carpet, I popped up and waltz over to my closet, a beautifully organized piece of underrated artwork if there ever was. I pull out my Coco Chanel white dress to find it had a stain on it. Did that stain know how expensive this dress was? No! Of course it didn’t. Silently cursing with the vocab that would put a dirty sailor to shame, I violently put it back onto its rack. The alternate dress was an alarming shade of lime green, that perfectly matched a pair of neon green pumps that gave me an extra three inches. Never mind that it was January, I was bringing the color of fake grass to Allerson High School if I wanted to. I sashayed down stairs an hour later, my face done up like a barbie. Today was the day that I would get Alex Morris to fall in love with me. A perfect hunk of boy, he was the star quarterback for our football team, which was ranked 132nd in the state but still managed to win every once in awhile to the juvenile detention center down the street. Not that that mattered to me, I was more worried about what delicious product he used in his hair to make it bieber perfect. With every flip of his hazel hair, I died a little of pure bliss. Oh he was the Tiffany ring to my engagement. The tree to my bird. The ken to my barbie. I was in a perfect relationship, and every once in awhile he would make it all the better by glancing my way with a confused look during english. Of course while I was in love, he was lagging a bit behind, though I had the perfect plan to finally become betrothed and cement our marriage directly after high school. We would go on to inherit a huge wad of cash from some mystery uncle and live happily with two children named Princess and Alex the second. They would have my amazing fashion sense and his cute vacant expression that was always present on his face during school.
Alex blinked as the lights came on to reveal a girl in a bright green dress, a crazed look in her eyes. He had just been walking down the halls, trying to remember the way to the cafeteria when a suspiciously tanned arm had yanked him into the janitor’s closet. And now he was racking his empty brain, he knew this girl from somewhere… Ahh, yes, she was the one in english that was constantly stinking up the room with the scent of nail polish. Lulu was her name if he recalled…. no that was the emo one. Rachel? No she was the one that refused to let him cheat off papers. He clenched his jaw at the thought of that idiot girl who had not even batted an eye at his signature hair flip that usually left girls swooning.
“Are you even listening to me?” The nameless girl half shrieked. She had started to sweat, skin toned droplets littered the cement floor.
“I’m sorry, what’s your name?” Alex said, preforming a hair flip.
The girl swooned. “Mrs. Morris.” She whispered with a loopy grin on her face.
Alex blinked. “Ayyy that’s my last name Mrs!” Alex said happily.
Mrs. regarded him oddly. And then a smile returned to her face. “So you like my plan for our future?” She twirled her hair and giggled.
What plan? Alex thought. “Yeah of course!” He said, a seducing smile on his face.
“Eeeeeee, yes!!!!!” Mrs squealed. She planted a waxy kiss on his cheek before skipping out of the room, the door closing behind her.
Alex stood up, his fingers automatically combing his hair as he whipped out a can of axe and sprayed it all over him. Trying to remember how to work the door... Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.