July 10, 2015 07:05:15 PM





The sun rose and everything fell.
How was she ever going to learn to paint the stars? The sun ruined everything, Alexandrea Patton decided. It bullied the moon and made everyone sweat, not to mention all those poor polar bears who were going homeless because of the melting ice caps. Revolutions around the blasted hot thing made children grow up and let Mondays happen. It had GOT to be stopped, and this small, stocky twelve year old with a bad haircut was perfect for the job.
Her plan was simple, but she calculated it carefully. Hitchhike to Europe, climb Mt. Everest, protest the sun. She'd need to pick up a band of followers along the way, as well as a rare steak in case of a necessary blood sacrifice, and of course a new water bottle. She'd probably need to ask her mom for some sandwiches. She was only in sixth grade, after all.
The night before she left she kissed her baby brother on the head, and ate everything on her dinner plate. Her mother had managed to serve broccoli just one more time before Alex flew the coop, but she didn't complain. She sat with her parents after dinner and watched some kind of show she had always put off as boring, but secretly kind of liked. It was always good to let people see you at your best moments, so they would forgive you in your worst.
Or call for a rescue squad if you were attacked by a rogue animal.
That night, a total solar eclipse went into effect. As if she had willed it herself, Alex's moon hid the Sun perfectly in orbit. The utter darkness awoke her early that morning. She slid out of her bed, put on her rain boots, and tiptoed downstairs. Her bag was waiting by the door. She slipped it onto her back, her many utensils of preparedness clanking around. Not knowing whether she would make it to the end of the earth or just the end of the driveway, she took one last look around.
Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.