July 11, 2015 05:21:04 PM





The sun rose and everything fell. It was like we suddenly lived in a different universe. Whenever the sun was out, gravity shifted, making all things that were once up, go down and vice versa. Airports were outrageous. No one could fly anywhere but straight into the ground. Alex, the town's sweetheart, was in for an eventful day. He bought an ice cream cone and was soon surprised when it started dripping upward into his nostrils. He went to throw it away, but he basically just littered into the sky. As he approached a dog park, he began to sweat... or so he thought. It wasn't any more than 70 degrees out, so he became insanely perplexed. Oddly, his sweat didn't smell like it did on average. He soon came to the realization that he was getting peed on by many dogs. This revolted him and he eventually made his way home so he could wash the disgusting smell of urine off of his body. When he finally got in the shower, he was almost shocked, but then he felt like he should've been in the Guinness Book of World Records for "World's Largest Idiot." As you can assume, the water projecting from his showering was heading straight toward his ceiling and ricocheting immediately only to partially flood his bathroom. So many things had gone wrong for him that day that he was practically retired from any more activities he had planned. Soon enough, he heard music playing loudly from his closed door and seemed confused since he was the only one home that day. Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob...