July 22, 2015 08:20:38 PM





"The sun rose and then everything fell apart. She had been trying to lift it up and tie it on that rickety beam above her desk to add it to the solar system and boom! The whole beam and all of the planets came crashing down onto her desk. Then Daisy in the back had the nerve to ask if she had to keep coming to class now since the Solar System didn't exist anymore. Dude, you should have seen the look on Trudy's face-"
"Who's Trudy? Wait, do you mean Miss Thompson?"
"Yeah. Kinda funny really. She calls me Mr. Smith and I call her Trudy. That means I'm the teacher now," he said with a devious smirk, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. Alex simply scoffed and shoved the other's arm. "What? Why are you abusing me now?"
"Okay one, you're a pig and two, I don't always abuse you. That's Mort's job anyway." At the mention of Morticia, his face cringed into one of disgust and pain. "What's with that look?" Alex asked, clearly amused with his reaction. Shifting, she moved her book bag from one shoulder to the other, tucking a few blond strands of hair behind her ear.
"Mort's not people."
"What?" Alex's eyes glanced up, intrigued and amused all at once.
"Mort isn't people, I'm telling you man. Girl's got no soul. Bet she offered it to the Devil for a lifetime supply of coffee. Anyone who drinks that stuff black is already not mortal-"
"-Oh don't be like that!"
"No, that's not even the worst part. She reads weird poetry about pendulums and hangs out in graveyards at night while summoning her 'Dark Lord'," he said in a voice reminiscent of heavy metal singing.
"Morticia's a little gloomy but she doesn't summon her 'Dark Lord'. You're buying into stereotypes again. She's just forceful with you because you're always bothering her."
"Okay then Alex," he began as he stood in front of her, arms crossed and lips pursed in a determined expression. The leather jacket he wore worn out from years of being passed down crumpled easily with his movements. His eyes were fixed on hers, blue meeting brown. Alex's steps were now halted."When have I ever bothered her?"
"Well, let's see," she said, placing her index finger to her lip in mock thought. "Oh, how about when we were fifteen. I had a sleepover with all of us, remember? You, me, Mortie, Cindy, Lucas, all of them?"
"Uh, duh. Of course I remember that. Lucas went ham on the s'mores and then kept us all up at night with his snoring. Dude's a walrus."
"Yeah, and do you remember what you did while we were all getting ready for bed?" Right before he answered, she lifted her finger up to halt him. "You took our salt and made a circle around your sleeping bag because you didn't want her to suck your soul out in the middle of the night."
"I was protecting myself!" At this point, Alex scoffed and pushed passed him, hands on her hip as she faced him once more. "No you weren't! What was there to protect yourself against?"
"The Dark Lord!" he added, voice deep once more. "Alex come on, how do you two even get along?"
"Because I'm not you and I don't put milk into her coffee."
"Rude, okay. And it's unnatural to have it black-"
"She's lactose intolerant. Do you ever hear a voice in the back of your head? You know-" she began, waving to her own skull to display her point-" -the one that tells you that maybe you should think things over because you might hurt somebody?"
"You mean a conscience?"
"No." Huffing, she ran her hand through her own hair before sighing a tired smile. "You, my good friend, are hopeless." The blond kept walking ahead, soon glancing behind her to see that Rick was no where to be found. Stopping, she glanced around the neighborhood, standing on her tiptoes to try and see if he was hiding behind any trees or cars that littered along the sidewalk and road. It was odd for him to simply disappear like that. Maybe Alex's words had really upset him.
Rick was an odd boy who Alex could really only describe as having a greaser type personality. He acted tough, wore enough leather to get a lawsuit from PETA, and gelled his hair back often. However,despite being rude and offensive, he was soft. His feelings could be hurt easily, something similar to a kicked puppy expression followed by a devious glare. Then revenge. And he got his revenge, tripping Alex as she decided to continue walking and snagging her foot against his own. "Seriously?" she asked, glaring up at him from the cemented ground.
"I am anything but hopeless. And I, little missy, am a great person. Hell, I'm role model material." His arms were crossed, body leaning against the tree beside him.
"You're a lunatic."
"Again, rude. But you know, out of everyone, I think you're the most normal person in our group. Actually, you're really dull."
"Now you're being rude," she began as she dusted herself off. There was a few scrapes and cuts on her knees but it didn't bother her. She'd just clean them off when she got home.
"No, think about it. Mort's soulless, Lucas is a huge gamer bound to be lonely until forty, Cindy is a hippie who is, and I quote, 'One with the earth and sky', and Hanz is obsessed with Arnold Schwarzenegger to the point where he even attempts to speak like him. You're American born, no need to fake the accent dude, you spoke proper English in grade school!" His hands were waving around excitably, face nearly red from the lengthy explanation. Some hair fell out of place and he reached into his pocket for a comb, combing the rebellious strand back into place. "And what about you?" Alex asked.
"Me? I'm God, that's what. Be honored."
"I think you're crazy. But I'm not really that dull, am I?" In response, he gave her a look of disbelief.
"Your family is more interesting than you. Especially your mom- Ouch!" Alex had jabbed him in the rib, eyeing him with a warning glance. "Your mom's hot, what can I say?"
"I hit you and you still keep going? And my family isn't all that interesting."
"Your dad collects puppets." A pause and she spoke up once more.
"So maybe they are. But someone has to be normal in this backwards world." Then, for a moment, his tone and face was serious. "Well you think everyone's odd but maybe you are. Maybe like, you're the token friend of the group. Seriously, think about it. Everyone around you is some sort of weirdo, plus me, and you're so dull that you kind of stick out like a sore thumb."
"'Token friend'? I mean, I guess if I'm the normal one then that makes me unique? Right?"
"If you think ‘normal’ makes you ‘unique’, go ahead, I'm not going to say anything." Finally, the two arrived at Alex's house, a normal, suburban home that housed two twin demons, a workaholic, and a collector of wooden pieces on strings. And Alex.
"Are you coming inside?"
"I don't know, is your mom home?"
She sighed. "Most likely."
"Well of course I'd want to stay! Alex what kind of question is that? You're my best friend, I love you!" Rick stated in over exaggerated sweetness, complete with an eyelash flutter and puckered lips.
"You love my mom."
"I love you two in two different ways, let's keep it at that." Fixing the strap on her shoulder, she could hear her mother's stern voice yelling at the two Tasmanian Devils that ran rampant throughout the house. With a deep breath, Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.