July 23, 2015 11:22:43 AM





The sun rose and everything fell. Including Alex, out of his bed. His head made a WHAP sound as it hit the hardwood floor with a force harder than taking the ACTs, knocking all the air out of his lungs. He must’ve coughed for at least an eternity and a half, before he gathered enough confidence to actually get up off the floor before one of the ants from the many Dorito bags lying on the floor, crawled into one of his orifices. Once he had returned to his bed he looked out the window. Alex saw a bluebird singing the song of his people, which at that moment he wished he had his bb gun because it was extremely annoying.
With one last, drawn out sigh he proceeded to crack nearly every joint in his body before making the conscious effort to get up. Once he was on his feet he walked slowly to the kitchen, teenage punk attitude and all. Alex arrived in the living room to find his mother passed out on the couch, mascara and glitter running down her face, her martini spilled onto the carpet where the dog was now lying, and Gossip Girl reruns blasting at full volume. He picked up the remote and turned the T.V. off abruptly. Making his way to the kitchen Alex looked at his school picture hanging in the hall. From four years ago. His hair had a sharp part down the side and his braces reflected the studio lighting to the point of almost hurting your eyes.
After he had finally managed to get to the kitchen he yanked the fridge door open knocking off nearly every single one of the countless magnets saying inspirational quotes such as “A Moment On The Lips, A Lifetime On The Hips!” and “You Are What You Eat!” Alex didn’t bother to put them back as he grabbed the carton of milk from the fridge and took a swig straight out of it. Immediately he spit it out in disgust along with the chunks of sour grossness. Another sigh fell from his mouth. He grabbed the keys so he could head to the gas station to hopefully get some uncurdled, less super nasty milk. Once he was at the front door, paint chipping off all corners of it, Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.