July 27, 2015 09:18:26 AM





Morning class

The sun rose and everything fell. Alex has a temper, not a “oh jeez, don’t push him too far or he goes off” but a “say his name, and he will murder you” type of temper. Bronnie knew this, so he never attempted to interfere with him. However, this all changed on the 73rd day of school, at 8:29…wait, now it’s 8:30 in the middle of Social Studies class.
“Kids, please quiet down now,” said Mrs. Casey “I’m now going to put you in partnerships for the presentation.” Bronnie looked at Aris, the girl of everyone’s dreams. “Please be with Aris, please be with Aris,” he thought “please be partners with Aris.” Mrs. Casey had dwindled down to having 4 students left to choose from: Bronnie, Aris, Eddy and Alex. “Aris, you’re partnered up with…” Mrs. Casey expanded the sentence as long as she could to increase the tension in the air “Eddy. And that means Bronnie you’re with Alex.” Bronnie, pale-faced and wide eyed threw up out of horror on the boy sitting in front of him…Alex.
Bronnie looked at the receiving end of his vomit and thought of his final goodbyes. Every student in the room stared in awe, Alex, who was covered in green vomit, rose from his chair in a way that even the Grim Reaper would pee his pants, which was exactly what Bronnie did. “Oh my god!” Mrs. Casey loved to make situations worse for her own amusement “Alex! Make sure you eat your food cleaner next time, it seems you made a mess all over yourself.” Bronnie decided to make a run for it, hearing the classmates shouting “Go get him Alex!” was of no help, but he didn’t take it personally, whenever Alex is angry at someone that isn’t you, then it’s a good day.
Bronnie ran like a wild man, searching for any place to hide in. While running, he finally reached an empty classroom/ final resting place. As he made himself comfortable hiding under a desk, he heard the dreaded footsteps outside the room. On the other side of the door, Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.