July 27, 2015 04:47:25 PM





The sun rose and everything fell. Literally.
The sky was falling, and Alex couldn't help but be reminded of Chicken Little.

It had all started when some girl on the other side of the world had felt something hit her head. When she looked up, she saw a small hole in the sky. A blue shard lay at her feet, and she put the puzzle pieces together. The girl realized that the a piece of the sky had fallen and hit her, and she ran to tell her mother.
The story spread everywhere, catching the attention and curiosity of some the world's best-known scientists. They had examined the sky piece, but they couldn't make any sense of it. No one could figure out what was happening. The scientists noticed that the piece kept changing - the edges of clouds moved across the piece, and sometimes there was rain or even lightning. The weather seemed to correspond with the weather at the area of the sky the piece was from, which only confused the scientists more.

The next piece almost hit Alex. She had been walking home from school with Michelle when they heard a strange sound. "Do you hear that?" Michelle asked.
"Hear what?"
"That, that sound. I don't know how to explain it. It kinda sounds like someone whistling." She whistled a little, trying to show Alex what she meant. "I think it's coming from above...?" Michelle's voice trailed off as she looked up.
"What? What is it?" Alex asked curiously as she looked up too.
Michelle didn't answer, only kept staring straight up at the sky. Or rather, the piece of sky that was hurtling down, directly at Alex.
Alex stared, perplexed. "Is that...the sky?"
The question seemed to bring Michelle back to her senses, and she asked, "Wait a second, didn't that girl in China or something get hit by a piece of sky?"
"Oh my gosh, this is crazy. I feel like I'm dreaming."
"Alex, get out of the way! It's going to hit you!" Michelle yelled, already backing away.
But Alex stood frozen, as if she was a deer and the sky was a pair of headlights blinding her. She couldn't move.
"Alex, if you're not going to move, then I will." Right before the piece hit Alex, Michelle pushed her out of the way.
They both hit the ground hard, and Alex shook her head, trying to make sense of what really happened. When her vision cleared, she saw Michelle laying on top of her, and the piece of the sky right next to them. Michelle's arm was bleeding; the shard must have scratched her when it fell. What in the world is happening?


The past few days had been crazy. There had been several interviews with curious reporters wanting to find out more about the sky falling, some even on popular talk shows. Since Alex and Michelle had found their piece, three more had fallen - one a day, each time hitting a young girl, all in high school.
Everyone was going wild, people were freaking out and running around. The government tried to tell everyone that it was just a prank, it wasn't real, but no one believed them.
They were the biggest, craziest, weirdest questions that the world had had in years, and no one could answer them. Why is the sky falling? What's going to happen to everything? What in the world do we do now?


Alex was lying on her bed, finally done with all the interviews. Things seemed to have calmed down a bit, there hadn't been any more "discoveries" since the seventh girl was hit. She was trying to fall asleep when she heard something shatter. Someone screamed, and another person screamed in response. Alex got out bed and ran to the window. She was greeted with cracks in the sky, stretching as far as she could see. Oh, no. This is bad. This is really, really bad.
Someone else screamed, and Alex's heart stopped. It sounded exactly like Michelle. She knew she had to go out there and help, so she grabbed a baseball bat from the closest, even though it probably wouldn't be much help. Holding the bat over her shoulder, Alex walked down the hallway, stopping in front of the door. She took a deep breath, trying to prepare her for what would come next. Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.