July 27, 2015 08:46:55 PM





The sun rose and everything fell. All Alex felt was a dreadful headache and pride. how did it all start? it started with...lemon aid. yes it was so innocent, sitting their begging for him to drink it. He took six glasses full, after all it was summer, it wasn't till his seventh that he noticed a small sign above it reading "vodka lemon aid." He had never taken alcohol before in his life and now he had, had six huge glass! He then did things he never thought he could do. Walking up to the prettiest girl in the party, he had confidence, he said "wow your pretty" she gave a laugh. "My names Alex..." and that's when things got crazy, he noticed a bunch of guys that had picked on him a bit earlier and he had the perfect come back. "I have never met a movie star before.." he began, the three men felt proud of themselves and everyone slowly turned to see what they were chatting about. "No sorry we're are not movie stars.." said the leader, eyeing the pretty girl, who gave a small laugh. "Yeah you guys are!" the boys voice escalated, now everyone heard. "Your Larry, Curly and Moe!" The three guys were ready to pummel him and seeing this the pretty girl ran over and said "no please don't hurt him" the men agreed as long as he left, but at the door Alex turned around and said to the pretty girl "You know babe, I am worth the wait" and with that Alex was marched out of the room, and left at the door. "No harsh feelings guys, after all I am six years old." Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.