August 01, 2015 07:11:58 PM





The sun rose and everything fell. But that wouldn’t be possible, right? You see, the sun itself exerts a gravitational force that pulls everything towards it. So that means that if we fell, we would get right back up and be attracted to the sun. Simple physics, right?
The class roared with laughter. Everyone except for Thomas. Of course though, it was his own joke. It’s impossible to laugh at your own joke, or else the joke would lose its face value. But specifically, Thomas only wanted one person in class to laugh. That was Natalie. He and at least another 99% of the male population at Beverly High considered her the most beautiful girl in the school. She had a fit body, with an overly-attractive face. He and Natalie were best of friends, despite their gender differences. They hung out with each other all of the time, along with William (Thomas’ wingman) and Kelly (Natalie’s bestie).
William and Thomas were both part of Varsity basketball, but Thomas wasn’t the jock type, unlike William and the rest of the teammates. He was a fit Asian teen, and was considered attractive by all of the girls in the school. He had a big ego, but instead of being known for his sports, he was known specifically for his academics. He was ranked at number 6 out of all 753 students in the school, and had a 4.38 GPA. He carried the school’s debate team to win the 2015 NFL (National Forensics League Tournament) policy debate tournament, and ranked in the top 1 percent in the world for Science Olympiad. Not a nerd, but a hero. He was revered by most people in the school as a smart, yet athletic kid.
Now, Natalie was different from Thomas. She was track and field star, along with Kelly. She and Kelly were the face of the female track team, and without them, Beverly High wouldn’t be able to compete in Tier one sports for track. Natalie’s academics were also good too, ranking at number 15 out of the 753 kids at Beverly high. She had an above-par 4.18 GPA, and excelled at singing. But her fame was brought by her attractiveness. She was beautiful. She was of German and Chinese descent. Her hair was a special tint of brown, and her eyes glimmered like the stars. No one dared to think dirty thoughts of her (except for Thomas), and everyone considered her the beauty of the school.
William was a pure jock. His grades were average, and he didn’t really like to study. However, he had an “over-the-top body”. He had huge biceps, and a Southern California tanned six pack. He was 6-foot 4, and stood out in the crowd. His height brought him fame as the co-captain of the boys varsity basketball team. William was pure Caucasian. All of his features were uber masculine, filled with the very essence of what it meant to be a man. He and Thomas have known each other the longest, and consider each other best friends.
Kelly was a track star. But her grades were always shadowed by Natalie. She had a perfect 4.0 GPA, but that only let her be ranked 61 out of 753 kids. But one thing for sure, her own beauty was on par with Natalie. Kelly was the more outgoing type of person in the group, and fell for almost every guy she met. Her long dating history has turned many guys away from her, but still, her regal blonde status kept many guys in check to date her. Kelly’s parents were movie stars, so much of her life was sheltered. Usually, paparazzi would try their best to interview Kelly, but with the help of the gang, she could usually avoid the intimidating questioning.
During lunch, the gang met up. Apparently, they were considered the exclusive popular group that was full of talent. There was the jock (William), the god (Thomas), the queen (Natalie), and the hottie (Kelly).
But the gang didn’t see themselves that way. They were the most intimate of friends, and they knew each other the best. Despite all of them being such different people on the outside, on the inside, they were the same. Fun and genuine people.
Today was going to be Alexandra’s first day of school. She just moved here just with her father from New York after her father pursued his dreams of becoming a film producer. Her mother was a professional model, and owned a fashion firm in New York, but sadly was too busy managing her firm to come to California with Alexandra and her father.
Her father bought a house on Beverly Hills Blvd. As Alexandra walked into the house, she was amazed how huge the house was. Compared to her family’s 13 million dollar penthouse in New York, this house was much more amazing. For only 6 million, the Beverly Hills house was at least 5 times bigger. She guessed the house was at least on a 4 acre property. That was big compared to a 2400 sq. foot penthouse. She loved every aspect about the new house. She loved the dark maple wood flooring, the luxurious crown molding, and most of all, the modern feel to the house. She loved how everything was open-concept, and the efficient use of glass to provide a bright feel. She went into her new room, got her back-pack, and went into her dad’s Porsche 911 to go to school.
As Alexandra arrived onto the driveway of the school, she noticed how regal the school felt. There were many luxury cars around her, and everyone was dressed fashionably. Her father then pointed at the car in front of them, and said ‘Wow! A Ferrari 488 GTB’. Alexandra looked, and just then, a handsome Asian kid stepped out of the car. He then met up with another hot jock, and they went into school together. Alexandra was dumbfounded. She’d already seem two hot guys on the first day of school.
--- Thomas and William walked into school. Thomas, being a fan of cars, couldn’t stop staring at the Porsche that was behind his dad’s car when they were on the drive-way. Even though it was only a regular Porsche, he couldn’t stop but to be curious who owned that Porsche. Walking past the gate, he turned around, and saw a magnificently beautiful girl walk out. Thomas guessed the girl was around his age, perhaps a new student. He hoped he could see her again soon.
As Thomas and William walked into their AP Physics class, the teacher told Thomas there would be a new student, and Thomas would be the perfect person the take care of her. Thomas’ eyes suddenly glimmered. The teacher said “her”, which meant that it might be the girl he saw that morning. So, he gladly said “YES, I WILL”, and sat down next to an empty seat.
Natalie walked into the room, and instantly took the seat next to Thomas. Thomas wanted to tell Natalie to move, but he couldn’t. He was sitting next to one of his best friends, and the school beauty. So, he decided to tell Natalie that he was entrusted to guiding a new student.
Natalie was surprised. Why would Thomas be guiding a girl? But she then thought that it was okay. Natalie secretly liked Thomas, and she was worried that the new student might steal Thomas away; but after some thinking, she considered that the chances of someone matching her own beauty would be less than a billionth chance.
--- Alexandra was nervous. It was a new school. Not only to that, she had an AP class first thing in the morning. She entered room 2C27. The first person she saw was that hot Asian kid who got out of the Ferrari. Suddenly, he stood up, grabbed her hand and introduced himself. Alexandra blushed. She thought he was going to confess to her, or at least that’s what it seemed like when he held her hands. The Asian kid then told her that he would be her school buddy for the next week, and would guide her around school. Alexandra was relieved. She had such a hot, yet friendly person to help her. Then, the boy brought Alexandra to his desk, and told her the seat behind him was empty, and that she should sit there. Alexandra glanced at the seat next to him, and she saw a beauty.
Over the course of the class, Alexandra saw how the two interacted. They looked so intimate. Suddenly, Alexandra was scared. What if they were dating? Alexandra was starting to fall for Thomas.
--- When class ended, Thomas introduced Alexandra to Natalie. He told Alexandra that Natalie was one of his best friends, and nothing more.
The “nothing more” hurt Natalie. She wanted to be something more. She took a look at Alexandra. Natalie was shocked. Alexandra was as beautiful as her, if not, even more. And not only to that, some aspects of Alexandra’s body was better than her own. Her chest must have been slightly larger, and her buttocks slightly leaner. Not only to that, she had a British accent, and was clearly a mix of Chinese and English descent. Natalie knew that Alexandra was serious competition (Thomas loved British accents). She had to take back Thomas ASAP.
---Thomas took Alexandra’s hand, and took her to AP Calculus. He actually was starting to enjoy being a guide. He felt powerful. Then it hit him. He was holding that girl’s hand tightly. Thomas blushed, and then asked Alexandra if it was ok with her. Alexandra giggled, and said it was ok. With that Thomas brought her closer to him, and told her class would start in less than a minute. The two rushed into class, just nearly missing the bell.
---Kelly saw the two walk into class. She stared at them. Why were they holding hands? And why were they so close to each other?
---Thomas chose a seat in the front, and naturally, Alexandra sat right next to him. For the first time, Thomas took a look at her. Suddenly, he turned the other way as Alexandra was about to ask him a question. He thought to himself that Alexandra was uber-hot. He compared her to Natalie, and every aspect of Alexandra was better. Legs, looks, practically everything physical.
---Alexandra wanted to ask Thomas about how homework went about in class. But when she saw Thomas suddenly looking away from her, she had a feeling that he was staring at her. Alexandra got nervous. Did she look weird? Was she too ugly? Alexandra knew that the girls at this school were all pretty, and maybe she was the only one that was below average. Maybe her chest was too big, her buttocks were too fat, maybe her face didn’t have enough make-up, if she put any on at all.
---Thomas thought that Alexandra was perfect. He saw how she did math, and she clearly was smart. She told the teacher that he taught wrong, and explained the correct way to solve the problem. Thomas thought that Alexandra was perfect. He was starting to fall for her.
---At lunch, Thomas brought Alexandra to the cafeteria (Still holding her hands). Since this morning, many rumors have spread around saying that the new student and Thomas were dating. Having been together so closely, these types of rumors easily arose, especially with Thomas being revered so highly among the school population. Alex was embarrassed. She didn’t know such rumors would spawn on her very first day.
---Thomas could care less for the rumors though. Like most rumors, they would die out soon, and never return to the realm of earth. He was attracted to Alexandra, and didn’t want to lose this chance. He introduced Alexandra to the gang.
---Alexandra stared at Thomas’ friends. They all seemed to be nice. But the one thing that hit her was that they were all super-attractive. There was a muscular hunk, and then there was another hottie next to Natalie. Alexandra was surprised that Beverly High had so many attractive people who attended school.
---William and Kelly stared at Alexandra. It was the first time they saw someone prettier than Natalie. Both of them noticed that Alexandra was getting lots of attention from everyone around the school, especially from the lecherous guys.
---Alexandra felt slightly uncomfortable though. She noticed that two of Thomas’ friends kept staring at her. Was it because she looked weird? Her mom told her that she was too ugly to get a boyfriend once. She was worried. Was everything all right? Maybe she didn’t fit in.
---Natalie looked at Alexandra with scorn. She spent almost a whole day with Thomas. More than that, but because Alexandra’s house was being repainted, Thomas invited Alexandra over to his house to stay for a day. Natalie rarely got to go over to Thomas’ house, despite being intimate friends. The only person who constantly went to Thomas’ house was William, but that was only because they were “bro’s for life”. She hoped that Thomas and Alexandra would stop being so close to each other.
---Afterschool, Thomas, William, and Alexandra went to Thomas’ house. It was a modern house, and to be honest, resembled Iron Man’s Malibu beach house. Glass covered the house, and white accents were everywhere. On the driveway was parked a black Range Rover Supercharged and a Mercedes 2 door AMG convertible. Thomas told them that those were his mom’s cars, and his dads were all in the underground garage. Thomas gave Alexandra a tour of the house while William waited in the living room, watching some Top Gear (without Jeremy Clarkson).
---Alexandra thought to herself that this house was amazing. As they entered the underground garage, she stared into amazement. There were at least 18 cars in here, ranging from classic Ferrari’s, to new exotics such as the McLaren P1 or the Porsche 918 Spyder. She guessed that the cars worth in the garage must have already been at least 100 million dollars altogether. Thomas then brought Alexandra to his room, and told her to wait here. Alexandra took a look around the room. The walls were all white, filled with light. She was in heaven (metaphorically speaking). Thomas and William immediately came back, and then told Alexandra if she would leave the room for a second.
---With Alexandra out of the room, Thomas and William did some men’s talk. Thomas told William how he was in love in Alexandra, and wanted to ask her out. He said that he’d never seen such a beautiful girl that was pure on both the outside and the inside. William agreed, and told Thomas to go for it. Thomas made up his mind. When Alexandra came back into the room, she would tell her his feelings.
---Alexandra heard everything. She couldn’t help but eavesdrop. She was so excited. She also liked Thomas, if not obsessed with him. She HAD to return his feelings. She couldn’t wait. Quietly so she wouldn’t surprise Thomas, Alexandra stared at the door handle, and slowly turned the knob.