August 02, 2015 12:12:11 AM



13 (+9 months)


The sun rose and everything fell. His dignity, his pride, his ego. Oh that fell hard. But let's rewind a little. Maybe then you'll understand.

It was March 11; the Friday that would change everything.

It was Alex's big night, a night that he'd be able to prove to the rest of his school and their families what he was made of. That behind those chunky round glasses, and awkward lanky frame was a young man worth remembering. A young man that would make it to Hollywood and walk down the red carpet with his beloved Aleyah Cole. A man that would make Hollywood babies with her and live in a humongous mansion with their own white picket fence that would reach precisely 28 feet and 6 inches.

That was, until his clumsy feet got the better of him and stumbled... and stumbled... and stumbled. Until tripping over a bench and falling, head first, into the set.

A sharp pain started in his head and his glasses almost flew off his face. They hung on the bridge of his nose, but just barely.

It was after 6:30 in the morning. The sun was steadily rising outside their community high school as everything on that stage fell.

The backdrops, the props, the buildings, the table, the clouds, the moon. Even Alex. Especially Alex.

It was one of those mornings. You know that morning. The one when you're in a brilliant mood. The one when you're happy as can be, imaging your dream girl running into your arms and galloping away into the sunset with you on the back of a white, magnificent horse. You're soaring on morning adrenaline, feeling as if nothing could go wrong. But boy. Did it go wrong.

They sat there laughing at him. His friends, Brad, Tiffany, and then Aleyah. Oh Aleyah! Why did Alex have to trip and embarrass himself in front of her? It was mortifying! Completely horrid! Alex had been planning all week to make this his big chance. To have oh so beautiful Aleyah realize that Alex was right there in front of her all this time; her shining knight in armor to take her away from the God-awful teenage boy named Brad.

Pain filled his whole body. Nonetheless, especially in his chest. Especially in his heart.

Blood rushed to his cheeks, filled his head and replacing the oxygen. The world was spinning around him. Please can this not be real. Please can this not be real. Alex thought. And he looked up. Her beautiful face the one thing that attracted him. He looked at her rosy cheeks and bright smile. Her halcyon laughter blended with the room as Brad snaked his arm around her waist. The arm that was supposed to be Alex's.

Tiffany glanced at them, a look on her face. You know that one look? Well it was the look. And everyone was oblivious to it. Even the humiliated Alex Carrow.

One thing was for sure, though. One thing was definitely certain. Alex had completely and utterly ruined this entire day embarrassing himself like that. He hated how clumsy he was, how awkward he could be. And now, the mortification. Oh this embarrassment is one like no other!

"You okay, man?" The devil, I mean Brad yelled out chuckling. Alex just grumbled, picked himself up, and shoved the debris away from him.

"Just fine, thank you," Alex spat. Anger clouded his mind as Brad pulled the love of his life closer to him. Fire was just sizzling under Alex's skin, ready at any moment to burst and go all Charizard on him.

"Oh, come on, Alex," Aleyah smiled her stunning smile. He could just melt right then and there. "Why don't we just leave a bit early and get on with our little road trip. The set's already ruined, so they're more than likely canceling the show."

Tiffany grinned, "Yeah. Let's start our spring break early. It's only 6:45. Nobody will know it was us." A sneaky smile crept on all their faces. And as Alex looked back at the damage he'd just done, he couldn't have agreed faster.

"Alright. Let's go."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Come on Brad. You're acting like this is a crime scene," whisper yelled Tiffany. "News flash! We're leaving a high school building! Not some, like, jail cell or whatever!"

"Sssshhhhh!" Brad shushed. "You're loud, annoying voice is gonna get us caught, idiot!"

Tiffany fumed. "I'm not an idiot, you jerk. My GPA is a steady 2.0."

Brad snorted, "It's better to let someone think you're an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it."

Alex choked on his saliva as Tiffany scoffed. "You know, if I were to slap you right now, it'd be considered animal abuse." Tiffany flipped her hair off her shoulder.

"You know, if I wanted to kill myself, I'd climb up your ego and jump to your IQ," Brad spat.

"Oh oh," Alex whispered to Aleyah as he pushed up his slipping glasses. "Shot's fired."

Tiffany scoffed. "I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel about you."

"Shhhhh!" whispered Brad. "What did I say about that high pitched voice of yours? They'll be able to hear that annoying-ness a mile away."

Tiffany only scoffed. "That's not what you said la- hmmmm!"

"Ssshhhhhh!" Brad looked almost anxious as he slapped his hand over Tiffany's mouth. Alex wondered why.

"Can we get on with this, please," Aleyah grabbed hold of Brad's arm and pulled him in for a light kiss. Those lips should've been Alex's.

"Alright, babe." He kissed her back. He actually had the nerve to kiss her back! Why if they weren't in school and Alex had extra packed muscles, he would've landed one on him.

As Alex's face set into a scowl, years crept by until they actually made it out of the school. It was already nearing 7:15, and teacher's would be filing in soon.

The only thing that seemed to be going right today was the fact that they'd all planned to leave right after the play was finished that night. Bags already packed and gas already full, they started the car and was on their way to one exciting road trip!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hours passed in silence before they started up their little routine.

"We're going on a trip!" Tiffany yelled beside Alex.

"In our favorite SUV!" Alex bobbed his head.

"Zooming through the highway!" followed Brad.

"We're too sexy for you!" and even though Aleyah's voice cracked, Alex seemed to fall in love with her even more.

"Climb aboard," they all belted out, "get ready to explore! There's so much to find on our little road trip!"

A couple more hours passed by as their laughter and chatter filled the car.

"Hey. What time is it?" Tiffany asked tiredly.

"Time for you to get a watch," Brad smirked.

"You know what, piggy? I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you never use it." Tiffany's eyes squinted into a glare. "You do not want to get it twisted with me jerk-off." This only made Brad's smirk grow.

"I got it twisted a long time ago, sweetie," there was an undertone in his voice, but no one paid attention to it. Tiffany responded by rolling her eyes.

"Now seriously. What time is it?" Tiffany asked Alex.

He checked his phone. "6:30. Maybe we should just check in for the night, you guys. We can settle down and relax. And after breakfast tomorrow, we can go over our plans for the trip, okay?"

"Sounds good to me, what do you think piggy?" Tiffany said. Aleyah rolled her eyes while Alex bit on his tongue.

"I mean, I guess." Brad shrugged. "There's a hotel not too far from here. Let's stay there."

And just moments later, they had made it.

"I'm heading inside for the night." Tiffany yawned. "I'll see you guys later."

"Yeah. Me too," Brad said before walking away with Tiffany.

They all had keys to the room, so it wasn't much of a problem for Alex and his fantasy lover.

And as Alex thought about it, with him and Aleyah standing there together, Alex could swear that this was fate. Seriously Alex, Aleyah. A., A.! A.C., A.C.! It was fate!

Flipping his hair to the side like he'd practiced countless times in front of the mirror, Alex coughed to get his soon to be lover's attention.

"So I guess it's just you and me then." He winked. Or at least... tried to. His left eye twitched terribly as his right eye closed half way. His face scrunched up into an ugly sight and those glasses, unappealing and massive, sat on his nose like a big gaping removable pimple.

"Are you okay?" Aleyah frowned. Alex just laughed and waved it off.

"Yeah. I mean, we could like, I don't know." His voice got deeper, hoping for his seductiveness to take place. "Go out or something." That all backfired when his voice cracked.

"Oh yeah!" Aleyah piped up. "I saw a Subway just a few blocks down from here! You wanna go? I'm starving!"

Alex's eyes brightened as he fixed his composure, voice getting a little higher. "Sure, okay. That's great. That's.... it's great."

It took all of him not to burst out in his happy dance routine. He wasn't willing to see Aleyah's reaction to his oh-so-awesome choreography. He'll save that for their third date.

And so they spent their time walking to Subway, sharing a Steak and Cheese footlong sandwich (which Alex had so happily paid for), and walking back to the hotel they would be staying in.

"That sandwich tasted so good," Aleyah groaned. "I should've gotten another one."

"Well I could've-"

"No time for that," Aleyah cut Alex off as a smirk settled on her face. "For now at least."

Alex rose an eyebrow. "What?"

Aleyah smiled. "Whoever makes it back to the hotel last has to pay for both our meals tomorrow. Ready. Set. Go!"

A moment passed. Alex frowned. Aleyah's words were still settling in, and by the time they registered, Aleyah was already half a block away from him.

"Oh that sexy, conniving piece of Heaven," Alex groaned before dashing after her.

Aleyah's laughter followed them all the way down the streets and up the hotel stairs to their room. They were neck and neck now, Alex only a bit behind from Aleyah's bony elbows and long nails swiping and jabbing him.

Aleyah already had the key out and was opening the door, cheeks flushed and lungs pleading for air.

"Ha! You owe me breakfast!" Aleyah stuck her tongue out at him as she swung open the door, only to see.... And hear!

Oh God! The sight!

"Oh, Tiffany! I love you so much!"


"Piggy! Yes piggy! I love you so so much, baby!"

And there was clothes on the floor, and.... and small, opened packages and shoes and it was not PG. Not PG at all! PG-13? R rated? X rated? Heck! It was bloody Z rated! Oh dear Lord! Their eyes!

"Aaaaaaaahhhh!" Alex screamed in unison to Aleyah's, "What the overzealous heinous annihilation are you guys doing?"

"Shoot!" Brad yelled before falling out of the bed.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh!" Tiffany screamed as she threw on a t-shirt. Well too late for that Tiffany. The image was already scarring A. A.'s minds. "Al. It's not what it looks like!"

But by that time, the damage was already done. "I can't believe you guys right now! After all I did for you!" Aleyah yelled at Tiffany. "And you! You filthy, rotten, son of a despicable pig! I can't believe this right now!"

All Alex could do was rejoice. His hand twitched, his neck snapped to the side. It was moments before his happy dance would consume him.

"Get out." Aleyah's eyes were narrowed, a steel, icy blue. Tears were running down Tiffany's face.

"It's all a misunderstanding. I'm sorry, Al. I'm so so sorry."

But Aleyah... she was beyond belligerent. "Get out of here before I give you something to cry about. You were supposed to be my friend." She shook her head as Tiffany scrambled from the bed in shame.

Alex's legs ached now. His heart hammering in his chest, the need to shake his hips and shimmy 1 to the left 2 to the right 3 to the left to the right now jump! was so overwhelming. He could barely keep it in anymore.

"I'm sorry, babe." Brad, now fully clothed, thank you very much, reached out to touch Alex's soon to be lover. Before Alex could react and do a few 'manly' shoves Brad's way, Brad was already crouched over in pain, grabbing hold of his stomach.

"Don't touch me," Aleyah seethed. "I don't associate myself with sleazy, wretched cheaters."

Alex's heart swelled as he listened to Aleyah's sexy diversity of the English language. His toes curled in his shoes. The sweat from his crowding joy made the glasses on his face slip down his nose.

"I'm sorry," Tiffany murmured before following Brad out the room.

"Oh and Brad." The two stopped at Aleyah's voice. Brad turned to face her. "If you're going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty." And with that, she slammed the door close.

Silence passed over the hotel room as Aleyah walked over to the couch and sat down. Her shoulders were shaking and her eyes filled with water.

Alex, however, was oblivious to it all. A swagger in his step, he sashayed over to Aleyah. "Soooooo," he drawled out. "That was.... quite the scene, huh?" An awkward chuckle slash snort left his mouth as he sat down next to Aleyah. "Really dramatic." He wiggled his eyebrows, scooting closer to her.

It was silent as Alex beamed down on the confused and hurt girl.

"Alex, what on earth are you doing?" she sniffed.

Smile growing wider, Alex rolled his shoulders back as he breathed in a deep, lungful of air. "I mean. It's just wonderful, huh?"

"Wonderful?" Bewilderment grew on Aleyah's face even more. "Are you kidding me right now?"

Alex's smile dropped faster than a bullet as he stuttered. "I mean. It's just. It was. It was awful. I mean," he scoffed, "Like just awful, right?" He scooted closer to her and fake yawned. Just slowly, slowly stretching his arms to rest behind Aleyah's head.

"I just don't know how they could do something like that, you know?" Aleyah sniffed. "It's just that, I thought he loved me, you know?" She placed her head on Alex's shoulder. He could've sworn. He felt the connection, the electricity. Fate was calling out to them. Just in a few minutes, and she'll be yelling out her unconditional love for him. Alex grinned at the thought. And soon after that, they'd take the places of Tiffany and Brad and make babies together and have two girls and live in a nice house with a white picket fence. Just as he dreamed of. Alex sighed.

"I know it's really hard to try and understand this. I mean, it's hard to see things from Brad's point of view cause we can't seem to get our heads that far up our behinds. But one day it'll all make sense."

"And he was so sweet, too," Aleyah sobbed as Alex rubbed her back.

"People like Brad are the reason I'm on medication," muttered Alex.


"Nothing." Alex grinned and Aleyah sighed.

"How could he do this? The idea of it is just so ugly right now..." She shook her head.

"I don't believe in plastic surgery or anything, but in Brad's case, he can go right ahead." Aleyah chuckled as her body relaxed against Alex's even more. "And hey! My parents always taught me to give away my used toys to the less fortunate." By this time, Aleyah was in a full out laugh.

"I needed that, Alex. I need you. I really need you here with me." Alex's heart melted as he heard her angelic voice mutter those words. He was soaring higher and higher into the sky. Could this day get any better?

This was the time. This was it. It was now or never. Alex took a deep breath as he turned to fully face Aleyah. His eyes softened at her rosy cheeks and big, puffy eyes.

"Aleyah?" he watched as she sniffed, her nose red and lips titled down.

"Yeah?" He now had her undivided attention.

"I just wanted to say that," he took a deep breath, calming down those intensely excited eagles flapping away in his stomach. "I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you, Aleyah."

Alex watched as her lips parted and beamed at him. Her eyes brightened at his words, just like a spot light for that play he had destroyed earlier that day. And as she spoke her next words, Alex couldn't have been happier.

"Aww, Alex," she sniffed. "I love you, too!" And as her thin arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, dainty body fitting perfectly against his, Alex sat there in shock. There were fireworks, rainbows, stars, and explosions! The audience was cheering, and there was a standing ovation and flowers and bright, gleaming lights and he just couldn't contain the grin that etched across his face. It was a dream come true! Perfect! He could see their children graduating, Aleyah and him getting old and still hitting the clubs together, and-

"You will always be my best friend." The fireworks did a whole 180 and were coming down on him fast. The rainbows cracked and began to collapse; big dull chunks of it hailing down on him. The stars turned to black holes, the explosions found his rib cage and they were exploding, ricocheting off his weeping heart. The audience transformed into an angry mob, booing at him. All he could see were tomatoes and tomatoes covering the stage and his costume. His kids withered away, his house erupted in flames, and dreams turned into ash. Aleyah unwrapped her arms from around him. It was then that he snapped out of his grief.

"Pffft! Yeah!" Alex stated, waving his hand in a spastic matter. "Best friends! Ha!" He laughed. "I mean," he clapped his hands. "Wooh! Best. Friends!"

Aleyah scrunched up her petite nose as she frowned. "Yeah...."

Alex nodded. "Yeah. Best friends. That's just. That's awesome."

Aleyah smiled. "Yup!"

Alex clenched his jaw. "Wonderful."


"Completely fantastic."

Aleyah chuckled. "You are a very unorthodox guy, Alex." She crossed her arms.

And in that very moment, feeling hurt, rejected, and just so done, Alex did what he did best. He started acting.

"Of course," he mustered up a fraudulent smile and winked. "And don't forget dreamy, charming, sexy, and I mean really really sexy." Aleyah laughed, making his heart break even more. Tears were hiding behind his eyes, just waiting to burst out and cascade down his face.

And just as he was about to let it all out, there was a knock on the door. "It's the police! Open the door!"

Looking at each other perplexed, Alex got up from the couch and walked over to the door, looking out the peep hole. "Shoot!" He whisper yelled as he turned back to look at Aleyah.

"What? What is it?" She hastily got up from the couch.

"It's the police," Alex gulped.

"And so? Open it!" Aleyah whispered.

"But, but," Alex cracked his knuckles as his nerves took over. "But they have Brad and Tiffany and," he took another deep breath, "And Principal Williams and Mr. Murphy. The play instructor!"

They stared at each other wide eyed as another knock sounded on the door. "Open up now! It's the police!" Taking a deep breath, the two gave each other one last look before preparing themselves for the worst.

And maybe, just maybe, if they were thrown in jail that night, they could fall in love there. They could find a way to make babies, their big house would be the huge prison building, their white picket fence can be those dangerous grey fences, and their two daughters could be rebels like them.

It was worth a shot, and if they were to spend forever in a cell together, they could make it happen.

The tiniest of smiles spread across Alex's face. Hope. That's one thing he was willing to hold on to.

Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.