August 02, 2015 07:20:44 AM





The sun rose and everything fell. The nik nacks became enjoyable. The fermenting ferret odor transformed into the smell of Wayne; the only guy he secretly loved smelling when they hugged. Bottles of wine were now clear jugs of pinot. Tonic water was refreshing. His freaky Friday dreams had finally come to fruition. Alex didn't care that it was with an old woman. Excited to see the old bag he had become he looked in mirror, and was confused to why he still saw himself. He ran out of a massive house surprised how well his legs worked, and received a happy good morning from a neighbor going to work. He scanned for the closest old Buik, knowing the keys in his pocket would work, and hopped in. He took some time to look through the photos on the phone he had. Euphoria spilled out of Alex's wrinkly old cheeks as he saw pictures of himself on the red carpet and late night shows with different celebrities. "Holy shit I'm famous" he screams in his car. A text pops up from Bill asking where he was. Being a smart guy Alex tells bill he's too drunk to drive there and that he needs to be picked up. Billy angrily texts that he'll be there in 10 minutes. Pleased with his little lie; Alex stands in front of his new house waiting happy that his idea to fulfill the celebrity's plans actually worked. A brand new luxory sedan flies around the corner. He puts the window down. And very calmly says "Aubrey get in the fucking car you owe me." The second Aubrey left Billy's lips Alex knew exactly who he really was. "Now!" The man screamed. Alex barley opened the door and got in before the man sped off. The whole time Alex prayed that the favor Aubrey owed the man was sexual because that was the least terrifying outcome he could think of. They pull into an abandoned house that looked unsafe to walk in. "Come on hurry up". Alex unable to speak follows the man up to the door. The door revealed the prestine interior of the unlivable looking house. Which sadly did not surprise Alex."Your running out of time youre the only person that will do this go!", he yells. Bill slams the door behind them sits on a couch and turns the TV on. A tear rolls down Alex's face. The hope of a sexual favor with him fanishes. Escape is not possible to Alex, Bill has the look of the man that is either a serial killer or a mayor of some town. Bill was neither, and it scared the shit out of Alex. Bill laughingly says." Maybe it'll be easier drunk haha." A tear rolls down Alex's face. Billy then yells "go!" as he points to a black door at the end of a barren yellow hallway. Alex begins the delerious long walk down the hall. As he approaches the door he sees an "that was easy button" laying on the ground by the door. Upon seeing it Alec bursts into tears. Soon after Billy says from the living room. "Why do you always cry before you go in. Do it already." Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.