August 03, 2015 09:18:24 PM





The sun rose and everything fell.
Donald Trump saw this and laughed evilly. "Yes! Do you know what this means?" He asked his intern, Alex.
His intern said, " sir."
"Everything has fallen, including the Mexican population. Don't you get it? There's less people for liberals to get offended for. Less Mexicans, more votes for me."
"But then, doesn't the rich white population go down too? That's like the only people willing to vote for you."
"Oh yeah. You're right. You're right..." That was weird, Donald Trump thought. Normally a conservative person wouldn't think so considerably. Hmm...I should test him.
"Hey Alex," he said. "My friend's having some money trouble. Could you help him sort some stuff out?"
Alex said, "Sure, I guess. But you're a millionaire. I'm sure you can help too."
So not only does he care, he even points out my selfishness, Trump thought. Hmm. Come to think of it, this kid doesn't even look that white. And even if he is white, he looks more like the I-know-I'm-white-but-I-don't-care white than the Donald Trump white. I better give him one final test, just to make sure...
" it Alex or...?"
"It's actually Alejandro, but everyone calls me Alex."
"Aha! I knew it! Get out of my office!"
"Wait what?"
"Read the sign!"
" 'No one hired except for legal, white, American conservatives!" Alex read. "Hey, that's illegal!"
"Oh, don't you tell me about illegal!" Trump screamed.
Trump's son came rushing in. "Dad, what's going on?" Alex was already walking to the door, but he stopped.
Trump said, "This stupid, illiterate Mexican armadillo somehow got hired here."
"Dad, don't call him that!"
Alex said, "Thank you. At least someone here-"
" 'Cause that would be an insult to armadillos! At least armadillos don't go around killing and raping Amuricans!"
"That's right son!" Trump said. "They want to kill us Amuricans!" They went on yelling at him. The intern sighed.
Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.