August 03, 2015 09:50:17 PM





The sun rose and everything fell. Legs, arms and other mangled parts smashed to the ground, leaving clouds of dust to cover the mass destruction. Alex was temporarily blinded and his eye searched to make out any shapes or forms around him. As the dust cleared, he realized what lay before him and he screamed, falling to his knees and weeping slightly. What had once been a set of newly purchased IKEA chairs had been reduced to nothing but ash and regret. Not only had he stayed up for two days straight fumbling with wordless instructions and extra bolts, he had been warned by his wife that if anything were to happen to their prized possession, it would be their marriage on the line. Alex's phone buzzed, pulling him out of his devastation. Reaching into his pocket, he slowly let his eyes wander to the screen. It was his wife. He swiped and put this cell to his ear. "Hello? Alex? It's Grace. I'm right out front with a new dining table to match the chairs. Could you help me bring it in?" He hung up and stood with great difficulty. Moving toward the door, he felt every splinter in his body move with him. Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.