August 03, 2015 11:56:47 PM





The sun rose and everything fell.
The world fell into chaos. People kept dying. People lost loved ones. 2 Chainz lost even more street cred.
Everything fell. Everything. Chicken Little ran into the streets yelling, "See?! I told you the sky was falling! I told you! It's the-"
A guy just walked calmly to his apartment with groceries in his hand.
Chicken Little said, "Hey, you, what are you doing?"
The guy said, "Um...I'm going to my apartment..."
"Don't you know everything's, like, falling?"
"Oh for real?"
"Um, yeah, that's what the first sentence said."
"Well, maybe I'm not supposed to be in this story."
"Hold on. Lemme call the author." He dialed his phone.
I was at my house eating Cheetos, watching Blackish and laughing my butt off so hard I was crying(I was watching a scene with Charlie in it) when my phone rang. I picked it up. "Hello?"
"Uh, hey author. Just wondering, in this short, everything's supposed to be falling right?"
"So then, why's some guy just chillin' and walking all nonchalant on the street?"
"Oh, that's Alex! Tell him I said hi." I hung up.
Chicken Little said, "Hello? Hello?" He noticed I had already hung up. He saw Alex walking to his apartment building door. "Hey, you, stop! You need to get out of this story! I'm the top dawg around here! Or is it top chicken...Yeah, I'm the top chicken! Why are you walking away?! Are ya chicken? Oh wait, in this case that would be a compliment..."
This chicken's crazy, Alex thought. Thankfully, Alex was already at the door.
Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.