August 03, 2015 11:59:45 PM





The sun rose and everything fell. The prop man for the theater camp had just finished putting everything else in place and was admiring his perfect rigging of the sun prop, when he found out just how lucky of a man he was. Always ready with a snarky comment, the tech guy slapped his coworker on the shoulder and said," Hey man. Look on the bright side; at least the sun's up!" At the same time that the tech guy had offered his words of encouragement, the campers had taken their seats for the final day before the big show. Alex stepped to the front of the stage to explain what would happen in today's practice, but instead had to call upon the insistent hand of a grubby little boy in the corner." Yes, Filbert?" " Dere's no props," Filbert stated bluntly, pointing a filthy finger at the stage. Feeling the tension radiating from behind, Alex claimed," Well, it appears our stage hand has had a little difficulty setting up-" Alex momentarily winced and wished that children didn't have the habit of repeating every word they heard to their parents,"- but the props will definitely be ready tomorrow!" Again, Alex's explanation was withheld, yet by an adorable four year old girl seated in the middle. “My name’s S-i-e-r-r-a: Siewa! That’s my name.” Holding back her exasperation, Alex said, ”Thank you for letting me know, Sierra! It hadn’t occurred to me yet. Anyways…” Alex felt better after explaining the schedule for rehearsal, and the day was set rolling. Throughout the rehearsal, everything went smoothly, as far as the children. The prop man worked hard around the kids to set up the props once again; then stood in front of his masterpiece with his hands on his hips, as men seem to do. Alex arrived early the next morning to prepare for the show, and decided to thank the prop man for his hard work. She knocked on the door, stepped into the prop man’s office, opened her mouth to express her gratitude, but never got the chance to say anything. “Thump, THUMP, thump… thump, THUMP(whoosh) SPLAT!!!!” Alex stood in her spot, a little confused at first as she heard a low growl coming from somewhere in the room, then, “AAAAHHH!!!!” She suddenly realized precisely what all the noises were. Letting out a nervous laugh, Alex stared at the door handle and slowly turned the knob.