Collegium Vocale
Last played Wednesday, March 12 2025 at 12:11 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Christmas Oratorio BWV 248: Part VI: Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen
- Collegium Vocale
- Ghent Collegium Vocale Orchestra
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio
Last played Tuesday, February 25 2025 at 07:30 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Ascension Oratorio, BWV 11: Wenn soll es doch geschehen
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: J.S. Bach | Himmelfahrts Oratorium | Herreweghe
Last played Wednesday, December 25 2024 at 03:49 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 110, "Unser Mund sei voll Lachens"
- Vasiljka Jezovsek, soprano
- Sarah Connolly, mezzo
- Mark Padmore, tenor
- Peter Kooy, bass
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Advent & Christmas Cantatas / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale Gent
Last played Friday, December 20 2024 at 07:30 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 110, "Unser Mund sei voll Lachens": Unser Mund sei voll Lachens
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Advent & Christmas Cantatas / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale Gent
Last played Wednesday, December 18 2024 at 07:34 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Christmas Oratorio BWV 248: Part VI: Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen
- Collegium Vocale
- Ghent Collegium Vocale Orchestra
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio
Last played Friday, March 01 2024 at 07:30 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Ascension Oratorio, BWV 11: Lobet Gott in seinen Reichen
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: J.S. Bach | Himmelfahrts Oratorium | Herreweghe
Last played Wednesday, September 20 2023 at 02:08 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Ascension Oratorio, BWV 11
- Barbara Schlick, soprano
- Catherine Patriasz, mezzo
- Christoph Pregardien, tenor
- Peter Kooy, bass
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: J.S. Bach | Himmelfahrts Oratorium | Herreweghe
Last played Tuesday, August 08 2023 at 04:08 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Christmas Oratorio BWV 248: Part VI: Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen
- Collegium Vocale
- Ghent Collegium Vocale Orchestra
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio
Last played Monday, May 01 2023 at 12:30 PM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 110, "Unser Mund sei voll Lachens": Unser Mund sei voll Lachens
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Advent & Christmas Cantatas / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale Gent
Last played Monday, May 01 2023 at 12:30 PM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 110, "Unser Mund sei voll Lachens": Unser Mund sei voll Lachens
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Advent & Christmas Cantatas / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale Gent
Last played Sunday, April 09 2023 at 03:39 AM
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
- Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu (The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus). Wq. 240: Part 2
- Hillevi Martinpelto, soprano
- Christoph Pregardien, tenor
- Peter Harvey, bass
- Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Die Aufestenhung und Himmelfahrt Jesu
Last played Sunday, April 09 2023 at 03:03 AM
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
- Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu (The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus). Wq. 240: Part 1
- Hillevi Martinpelto, soprano
- Christoph Pregardien, tenor
- Peter Harvey, bass
- Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Die Aufestenhung und Himmelfahrt Jesu
Last played Sunday, March 21 2021 at 12:10 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 42, "Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats"
- Barbara Schlick, soprano
- Gerard Lesne, countertenor
- Howard Crook, tenor
- Peter Kooy, bass
- La Chapelle Royale Paris
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Ich Hatte Viel Bekummernis, Etc / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale
Last played Sunday, November 08 2020 at 09:19 PM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 38, "Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir"
- Carolyn Sampson, soprano
- Daniel Taylor, countertenor
- Mark Padmore, tenor
- Peter Kooy, bass
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Cantatas Bwv 12, 38 & 75 / Herreweghe, Et Al
Last played Friday, September 11 2020 at 07:29 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 42, "Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats": Verleih uns Frieden gnadiglich
- La Chapelle Royale Paris
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Ich Hatte Viel Bekummernis, Etc / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale
Last played Wednesday, December 04 2019 at 10:18 PM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 110, "Unser Mund sei voll Lachens"
- Vasiljka Jezovsek, soprano
- Sarah Connolly, mezzo
- Mark Padmore, tenor
- Peter Kooy, bass
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Advent & Christmas Cantatas / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale Gent
Last played Saturday, August 11 2018 at 02:03 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 21, "Ich hatte viel Bekummernis"
- Barbara Schlick, soprano
- Howard Crook, tenor
- Peter Harvey, bass
- La Chapelle Royale Paris
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Ich Hatte Viel Bekummernis, Etc / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale
Last played Friday, November 28 2014 at 12:43 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Christmas Oratorio BWV 248: Part VI
- Barbara Schlick, soprano
- Michael Chance, countertenor
- Howard Crook, tenor
- Peter Kooy, bass
- Collegium Vocale
- Ghent Collegium Vocale Orchestra
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio
Last played Thursday, November 27 2014 at 01:19 AM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 21, "Ich hatte viel Bekummernis"
- Barbara Schlick, soprano
- Howard Crook, tenor
- Peter Harvey, bass
- La Chapelle Royale Paris
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Ich Hatte Viel Bekummernis, Etc / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale
Last played Wednesday, November 26 2014 at 02:16 PM
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Cantata BWV 42, "Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats"
- Barbara Schlick, soprano
- Gerard Lesne, countertenor
- Howard Crook, tenor
- Peter Kooy, bass
- La Chapelle Royale Paris
- Collegium Vocale
- Philippe Herreweghe, conductor
- Album: Bach: Ich Hatte Viel Bekummernis, Etc / Herreweghe, Collegium Vocale