Allan Wernick appears in the following:
Advice for Dreamers and Undocumented Spouses
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Allan Wernick explains in more detail President Biden's latest executive action which aims to help DACA recipients, and the undocumented spouses and stepchildren of American citizens.
Legal Advice for Those Affected by the Immigration Order
Monday, January 30, 2017
Listeners call with their questions on President Trump's travel and immigration ban.
With a Coming Trump Administration, Advice For Undocumented Americans
Thursday, December 08, 2016
Trump has promised a hardline stance against immigration. What should DACA recipients do?
What Mandu from Mali Thought of Obama's Immigration Speech
Friday, November 21, 2014
Teary-eyed Mandu, who's been in New York 25 years and raised four daughters born at Bellevue, was one of a handful of New Yorkers who called in overjoyed that they'll get to stay here.
Explaining Obama's Immigration Reform Plan
Monday, June 18, 2012
Don Lyster, Washington, D.C. director of the National Immigration Law Center, and Allan Wernick, professor of law at Baruch College and director of CUNY Citizenship Now!, discuss the effect of the Obama administration's immigration changes announced last Friday. Plus, journalist and an immigrant himself, Jose Antonio Vargas checks in with his reaction and discusses his Time Magazine cover story this week.