Cara McCormick produced the original "From the Archives" series for WNYC during her tenure as archivist 2002-10. She has worked as a professional archivist for more than 14 years, specializing in preservation of audiovisual materials for the The New-York Historical Society, Wagner Labor Archives, New York University and others. Cara is currently based in California where she is an archive consultant for corporations and nonprofit organizations.
Cara McCormick appears in the following:
WNYC and the WPA Federal Art Project
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Four abstracts were hung. One was never finished. Another was never found. And, there was a harpist!
Eleanor Roosevelt's Hidden Talent
Friday, August 24, 2012

The former First Lady in the WNYC studio as a disc jockey for the March of Dimes. And, Elvis is King, of course.
Radio from 'The Twilight Zone'
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Before the Twilight Zone, there was a Return to Society.
We Love People Who Love Brooklyn
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"We love people who love Brooklyn"